Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

(87 ) Cation that he and I l'hould ever be of oneJudgement in this world, ifhe approve the Doarinallpoints maintained inMr. Cran- don; book, as knowing the ftrong conviction and perfwafion of myown mind. concerning the unfoundnefs of fome of them, and knowing that Mr. (aryl is confident on the contrary, before he would commend their vindication as worthy ofpublick view ; yet left I be mifunderftood, andour differences may feem tobe wider then they are, and efpecially becaufe I do eafily confefs that fome indigefted, unexplained, and incautelous words ofmine in that of fenfive Book, might give him and others caufe of offence, and fo the fault is partly mine, I am obliged todo my part, for the Re- movall of the offence. His words which call me to it, are thefe, It k a duty tocontendfor thefaith which was once delivered to the Saints, and yet the Doarinall points therein maintained and vindica- ted,rheprefent freedom of Believers from thecurie ofthe Law ' and their free freification byfaith Without works ,yea withoutfaith as it is a work, through the alonefatisfaaionof lefts; Chrifi are offuck moment, and fofundamental in Religion, for the comfort ofpoorfouls, that !cannot but judge any Flay tending to the clearing of them, ouchmore thiJ large and elaborate difcourfe, profitable for the Church ofGod, and Worthy ofthe ptsblick. view. That which I than do for the fatisfaftion of this Pious Man, is, Y. To Declare whether I do indeed deny free Juftification by faith without works,yeawithout faithas it is a work, through the alone fatisfaftion of Jefus Chrift. 2. To Declare how far I deny or maintain the prefent freedom of Believers, from the curfe of the Law. And confequently, whether I deny the faith once given to the Saints, or any thing Fundamental! in Religion, for a Chrifti. ans comfort : and whether Mr. Crandon may be laid to havevin- dicated thefe Fundamentals frommy oppofition. 5. I fhall pre- fume to give a fewReafons (though contrary to my former inters tion) which perfwade me to think that Mr. Crandonbath not vin dicated thefe Fundamentals, and that his difcourfe is not profita- ble to the Church of God, nor worthy the publick view, either becaufe it is large and elaborate, or' becaufe it tendeth to the Clearing ofthe truth. 1. For the firit of thefe, I have fpoke my thoughts already, as my mind did then dilate tomy Pen : and becaufe I am fo far fromdtirimbling my Religion Ms. Cr mai confidently -af- firmeth