Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

( 91 ) and to fay when it is but oneaa, and when it grows to be two or three in meer phyfical fenfe. Ifyou diverfifie them by the Ob- jeds (which is the knownway) yet are there in every objea, at leaft in the objea ofjuftifying faith, fuch diverfity ofparts ef- fential, integral,and ofAccidents, and refpe&s,and neceffary mo- difications,that no man onearth can determine juft how thefe do individuate or phyfically fpecifieour ads ? As if apprehenfion of Chrift befultifying faith, as they ufe to fay, paffing by the Ambi- guity and Comprehenfivenefs of the term eApprebenfion,no man can tell us, whether to apprehend Chrift, as God and as man,and as God and man in one perfon, and as the fecond perfon in Tri- nity, and as one that path dyed, and by death fatisfyed, and as one that is Rifen afcended, intercedeth, bath power to forgive fins , and as one that by pardoning' muff fave us from Hell , and give us Heaven, &c. I fay no man can tell juft how many phyfical go to this : much Ids can any prove that all this may be done by one phyfical ad : or can any cull out any one, and fay,that is the Juftifying object and ad, and reject all the reft,as not effentially requifite as well as that. Con. 15a I think they that thould attempt fuch a bufinefs, would- horribly abufe the Holy Ghoft, and would themfelves for- get what element they are in, fpeaking as meri Phyfici, when they are treating of moral fubjeits both Ethical and Political : and they wouldbe guilty ofa bate reduction of Gods holy notions and Law-terms, to the molt vain Philofophy (which Mr. Cran- don feems to be fo zealous againft) , as well as of confounding Phyficks with Ethicks and Politicks. Con. 16. Themfelves ufe to confefs, that the Promife, and Chrift himfelf, and the Righteoufnefs ofChrift,( if not alfo lutti- fication thereby) are the objects ofJuftifying faith : To which I may truly add, the Veracity ofGod Revealing, the formal ob- jea ofAffent , and the Bounty or Good will ofGod in Giving, as the objei (as it were formal)ofAcceptance, befide the feveral parts of the material objects, and invifible Glory the End, ex- preffed fully inHeb.ii. to be as effential as any of the reft. And fure ourold Phyficks muff be renounced before we can affert that but the two or three firil objets alone (the Promife,Chrift,and his Righteoufnefs) can all be apprehended with any one fingle phyfical aft,there being diversformal objective reafons. N 2 Con.