Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

(107 ) call thofe precepts ,together with the Commination, by the name of the Moral Law : Others call thofe precepts, with the threat- ring and the promife ( fuppofed to be 41111 in force ) even in the fame form as it was made toAdam, leaving out the pofitives, by the name of the Moral Law. The firft reach not what we now have in queftion, the lait exceed : the fecond fort I agree with, as to the thing, and miflike not the name. 4. Others think fitter to call this, The Law of (brill., as being part ofhis Law. This I reject not, it being but matter of words; Peeing we are agreed, that nowChrift, or God-Redeemer, is Lord of All, and that the Moral Law , or Law of nature , is now his law : Provided alwayes that we keep a clear diltinecion between, This Lawof nature, ( obliging to obedience or punifinnent) and the fpecial Law of the Redeemer, called, The Lawof Grace, or the Promife, which is Lex Remediani. But whereas the great que- Ition is, whether thefe be now two diftinft Laws in force (quoad fpeciem) or only two parts of one Law ? I conceive it but (neer ftrife about words, and therefore will not contend in it : We are agreed that both are in force,and that both are now the Redeem- ers Laws ; but one he found manunder, and the other he made as Redeemer. We are agreed that they mutt not be looked on di- videdly, but as linkt together ; and all are ferviceable to the Me- diators Government. So that the formof that Lawwhich flood to ;e4'eiam,was this, Obey me perfeElly,' and elpeciaqy in not eating the Fruit of this .Tree, and thou 'halt lives but ifthoufin,thos fhalt Dye that is death (hall be thy due. This Rood thus alone with- out a Remedy. The Law that is now in force is this Though thou havefinned ,andart condemned, yet obey me perfealyfar the future, in whatfoever I command thee, and if thou difobey in any thing , that alfo death jhall be thy due : Yet for thefake of him that Redem- ed thee, if thou wilt believe in him and Repent, thou (halt be par- doned and laved ; but if thou milt not, thoufbalt be remedileff- ly damned. This is the fumme and form of all Gods Law now in force (fuppofing the particular parts of the etnatter of the pre- cept) : Andwhile we confefs the thing, the matter is fmall whe- ther we call this one Lawor two, or by what name or titles we call them : though we mould keep as neer the Scripture as we can. But they that obferve not that it is not the Law made to erfdArn,but (-Wes Law, which Pagl molt frequently mentioneth, P 1 and