Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

725) and to entice us with them to fin, which.we are too prone too of our felves. 5. The Godly are oft punifbed, juffly by men for their tnifcarriages ; and perhaps with death it felf. 6. But the foreft punifhment is fin it felf, which is permitted-and left unhealed, is a punifhment of former fin. I think thefe that are moft offend- ed with me ,- will yield to this, and like well of Mr. Rutherfords- copious endeavours to prove that God punifheth fin with fin , hi his elaborate audacious Difputations de Provident a. `Paul groan ed under this penalty, 0 wretched man that Iam, &c. Rem. 7. The eftrangednefs from God , lots of communion with him, fenfe of his difpleafure, wants ofGrace and comfort, are no fmall punifhments. 8. So is death and the bodyes lying in the earth tilt the Refurreciion without life or fruition of God. If it be faid that thefe dowork for our greater good. I Anflii, i . It is certain' our fufferings for C. brat do. 2. Caftigatory affliftions are intend- ed to our good, but that is by accident that they accomplifb it , and are neverthelefs punifhments themfelves. 3.God would give us the good , without the evil of punifhment, if we did not fin. 4. It is contrary to the judgement ofmany of the belt Expofitors-, that Rom. 8. 28. doth fpeakof fin ; And it is hard to Chewhow all fin worketh for our good. It is poisible a Godly man may lofe his firft Love in a great meafure, and decline to a very low degree ofGrace, and a Icandalous life, and a terrified confcience, and fo die ; Andhow it fliould do him good to Love God lefs then he did', to have lefs faith leis humility, &c. I know not, when the good of Affliction is to encreafe thefe Graces. Befides every. man dyeth in fome degree of fin habitual and a&ual, which is not cured till he leave the &lb : and what good that IA fin cloth him, I knownot. Nor do I remember any Promife that his bo- dies lying in the Grave till the Refurreftion, lhall be better then if he had afcended with Henoch and Elias : though thrift love and regard that very duff, and 'aft a greater happinefs thenwe loft. All this punifhment therefore I fuppofe is yet left unremoved, and if you will call this the curie or part of thecurie it muff be faid that part of the curie is not aftually removed. Yet .1 conceive it fitteft to fay,that believers are freed from the curfe, and are not under it. Becaufe the word Carfe, ufually fignifi eth the great deftroying penalty, inconfiftent with Gods fpecial Love, and making the limier accurfect, that is, miferable and, fo- R 3 we