Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

( ) Pert a neceffity of Obedience, and performance of Conditions,for obtainingoffome ofthe fruits of his latisfaftion ) Conclu. 37. How far a true Believer may lie under terrors and wounds of confcience and how long and howcommonly they may doubt of falvation (by ,71,q, I mean not lawfully , but pofsi- bly not Debet but poteg ) I have chewed my thoughts in my Method for Peaceofconfcience. And fad experience fpeaks it too loud. Condo. 38. How far alfo it may accidentally be a duty for a Believer in fome fad Cafes to queftion his Juftification or par- don, and fo to fearch after it, ( though it be his great fin that he is in that uncertainty, and his greater fin that caufed it) I have fhew- ed my thoughts in the fame book. Conclu. 30. How far a Believer may fear hell , and labour to efcape it, I have fhewed my thoughts in the fame book,and the eAPpend. ofmy Aphor. and fomewhat before, Conclu. 4o. By all that bath been faid on the Negative and Af- firmative concerning the Laws obliging Believers to punifhment, for every fin till Remifsion do diffolve the Obligation , It is evi- dent that the Obligation of the Law to Believers, is exceedingly different from the Obligation to t-idarn before the Promife, or the Obligation on unbelievers,or the Obligation ofthe Law of Grace, on the finally impenitent and unbelievers. The Law obli- ged /Idam before the Promife, without any Remedy , exiftent, or revealed : And therefore if he had then been Judged, before the Interpoiition ofa Saviour, he mull have been condemned and executed. The Law obligeth unbelievers to eternal punifhment , by an actual obligation, remaining in full force upon them, and as truly unremedied and not diffolved, as if there had been no Re- medy provided, ( till they believe ) but yet a Remedy fufficient is offered if they will accept it ; and the Moral Law alone, is not the Rule of their judgement to Condemnation : but before the fentence pafs, it will be enquired,whether or no they accepted and tiled the Remedy. The L awof the Redeemer, or of Grace, doth pafs a Peremptory,Irreverfible, Remedilefs fente nce (vertually ) onall that die unbelievers and impenitent : But theObligation of the Moral Law on the Believer for every new fin, is fuch as bath a puledRemedy at hand, even Chrift and the Promife , and he bath