Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

refact fie th ftemiffionbefore 'Faith, I found my fell engaged to do it, becaufe I knewof none that had faid fo much as he there cloth ; and becaufe (fince the publifhingofmy A- pology) two or three reverend Brethren told me that, as to that part, it was thought neceffary. There is lately come forth a fecond Part of a Treatife of Juitification , byaReverend Brother ; wherein fome things which. I have-delivered are oppofed;efpecially that fincere obedience is a condition, a' caufa fine qua non of ur juftification as continued for non-amittendijultifica- tioncm, and of final fentential Juitification, if he (peak to me) Hebeing one of the two towhom I fiat' dired- ed my Aphorifms ; I there promifed , that if he diffent- ed I would fearch again, andbe the more fufpitious ofmy thoughts : which I have accordingly done. And wIle- ther it be my unhappy darknefs, or my certain know- ledge of his miltake, or whatever the caufe be, I am left but the moreconfident oftheTruth ofwhathe oppofeth Certain. I am, that I am willing to know the Truth,, though it were to tht Retradation of all that: I have- wrote.The ftrengthofhis Arguments lies upon a fuppo- fition, that conditions have a Moral efficiency; which he is pleafed to prove by his bare affirmation ; yea after I had denied it, both to himfelf in private writings,and xny Books publickly, and affirmed that its againft the common fence of Lawyers , and that a Condition qua._ Condition hath no efficiency, though fome Conditions, qua Meritorious may ; yet was he notpleafed to take any hotice of this, as if his affirmation excluded all need of a further proof. And pag.2 2o. he doth thus fate the que- ftion, Upon what account thefe are required in jaflifled per Eons ? Whether in fome caufality or concurrence as faith is ? only not witk fuch a degree of excellency ? Whether good. work4 be requiredas well as pith, fo that we may fay, juju- fying: