Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

thePreface to the Readers, Untighteoufnefs , upon any intereft of a Party that is againft it. 4. That he have more of the illumination of Gods Spirit, whichis the chief. 5. That he have a more finctified heart, that he may not be led away with wrong ends,or blinded by his vices.' I:dually all thefe are conjurictly neceffary but at le, ft there mutt be fo much of the chief , as may fupply the want of the reit. And as in all thefe I unfeignedly la- ment my defectivenefs,anddoubt not but there are mul- titudes of Labourers in Gods Vineyard , with whom in thefe reipects,11 amunworthy to be named ; fo it is thefe whofe judgements I fh:all value- but for empty, con& dent,felf-conceitedones; that know riot what they talk againft, I (hall regard them as they deferVe.., I did not eafilyor rafhly fix upon that which they miflike ; I was once of their mired in forne of thole points ; and -I doubt not but 'they are verily -perfWaded that they are right : or elle theywould not be fo zealous in the bufi,: nets. But as confident men as thev,and perhaps as able have feen Truth inTome,of theft things, which they formerly reproached as errors : of .Whom 1.nay fay, as .4tiflin of Paul (in:their ,meafure ) Epifi. Prollratus of atexcoecaretur, exccecatits eft ut mittaretur,mutatus in mitteretur,miffits qua!iafecerat is errore talia pro vcri- tate pateretur. viz. to be reproached as erroneous,as they did by others. And for friends fo to tile the Truth and their Brethren is no news' : Hierome, and who not of the worthyeft Fathers were fo 'tiled in their times ? Saith, orat 2 6. p. 443. Atque exaguus & pauperfumPaflor, Pafloribuflue aliis Parce dicarn, nondurngratus atque acceptus qud reclore 7:iv di- cio ac ratione, an nialevolentia , contentions dio, ,fiat,nefcio : Enitar tamen quantum potero , Moque (f oPeraro'