Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT763 .B35 1655

Pieces, was included, came not to my hand ( by whore default,' I know not)untill the eighth of this inftantl onwhich day it was by a meffenger from London delivered to my fervant at the door, and by him brought in to me fitting at dinner with fome firangers ; which having prefently broke up, and having cart mine eye on your name at the foot of your Letter, I could not forbear to reade over, and with much cheerfulneffe fo did, be- fore I rote from the board and fo laid afide, refolving by Gods permiflion and afffilarce, to return Anfwer thereunto, fo foon as I could have opportunity for force curfory Survey at leaf} of either of your Pieces ; which alfo after a little time taken for the fpeedy difpatch out of the way, of a Work lefc with me for allowance, being fuddenly to paffe to the Preffe, I fet prefently upon ; and havingwith as much expedition as I could runne over either, being fo drawn on with that delight and content which I took in the fubjet matter of either, that I could not afford unto my felfany refpite, fare as urgent occa- fions unavoidable enforced neceffary interruptions, until! I had accornplifixed my refolved intendment; when I began now to let pen to paper for the drawing up of an Anfwer, I was ex- ceedingly damped, taking notice of the date of your Letter, which I had not formerly obferved, being (..May 9. full two moneths ancienter then the arrival of it with me : while with my fell I confidered, not only, that what I fhould return in fome regard might come altogether unfeafonably, but that this lang,delay might be fubje& to mif-interpretation, as arguing a difregard and fighting of my, Reverend Brethren of better eeern and repute then my fell, not vouchfafing them fo much as a line or two in fo many weeks intervening, and abackward- neffe to enter into any good correfpondence with them ; dig. pofition which frommy heart I have ever abhorred : owfoe- Ver confcious to my felfof mine own weakneffes, I have never been over-forward to intrude my felfinto the affairs ofBrethren abroad; nor have had much occafion of entercourfe in this icinde , living moftly in an obfcure corner , fave with fame fewof my Brethren, with whom by occafion of alliance , or more inward converting together formerly, I had contracted and continued familiarity and acquaintance. And thus much having premifed todear my felf from any afperfion or ft*. tioa