Baxter - BV4253 B39 C78 1658

he Preface. and duty, and aver-(hoot the tempter in his bow it were a paint of fingular Zeal and Prudence. When he wouldput any covetous motion into yourmind, or work it intoyour hands give thenmore liberally, or domoregood then you didbefore. Let this be all that thedeceitfulf efhi , and world'hallget by you : Fallite, fallentes Et in laqueos,quos pofuere cadant. I know that f elb and blood will Rand inyour way with abundance of di fftvafives, andmake youbelieve, that this fo plain andgreat a duty, is noduty. In theverbalpart ofgod- linefs it would allow God but little : but in themore coflly praCical part much left. Sometime it will tell you that mi n are fo naught that they deferve not your charity : But Chrifl deierveth tt : give it therefore to him Sometime it will tellyouof mens unthankfulnefs : but Catis eft dediffe ; you have doneyour duty: Godaccepteth it : other mens :barkful- nefs, is riot your Reward. You are moreunthankful your felves to God. Ton are called to imitate him that caa, eth his Sun to Thine and his rain to fall an the juft and on the unjufi, and that daily beftóweth h's mercies on the un hank- ful. Sometime it will tell you of the uncertainty of reaching the end of your Charity : That if you maintain Schonars to Learning theymayprove ungodly : if you leave any con(i- derablegift to pious ufes, facriledgious and rapacious hands may alienate it. Butyc;r are Titre of fucceeding in your ulti- mate end, which is theplea fngof God andyour awn falva. tion : It is net loft to you if it be to others. Cafl your bread *upon the waters ; if you cannot trult God, you cannot obey him, Do yourpart, and leave his part to himfelf. Its your part to Give ; and its Gods part to fucceed it for the attain- ment of the end. He that is worft is like(I tofail: And whether think you is better, God or you ? andwhich fhouid be more fufpecied. He is unworthy the nameof a fervant of God, that will run no hajardfor him. Venter your charity (e) in