Baxter - BV4253 B39 C78 1658

The Preface. would not offer that to Godwhich cofl him nothing, z Sam. 24. 24. if youfare the hardlyer, andgo the plainer inyour attire , and deny your felves that which is for any needle's pomp or oflentarien, orfplendor in the world ; that you may havefo much themore to dogoodwith ; you deal then like goodhusbands for Godandyourfouls andfaithful Stewards. Why Amida covetous Mifer pinch hes f ejh more to gather Riches for bimfelf and his poflerity, then you fhould do to gather itfor God, and toexpend it on the Church and poor ? Beasfrugalas they ; but not to thefameend ; to you fife it for God and your poor Brethren , an hone!?parfimonieand gathering is a duty ; andfuch anholy covetoufnef isfofar from condemnable, that it is the true"? Charity , which God andall wife men willmoll applaud. I do not mean`only to deny yourflhjhingrofs exceffes, but topinch it by a jufì fru- gality and abflinence : And yet you _hall not fay that iam drawing you toextreams. i would not haveyoufofarpinch yourfief)) as todifable it for duty , but to deny it whatfoever doth not font' rce way help it for duty, that we maynot feedour own unneceffary delights,though with afeenming decorum t moderation,whilefo many about us are pinchedwith the want of necefaries, andfo many publick excellent worksare cal- ling forour help. The /let)) is to be tamed, andhumbled, and brought in fubjet/ion, and(canted when greater things re- ,quire it but not to be deflroyed and made unferviccable, Infido huic corpri quomodo conjundus fim, hand equidem fcio : quoque patio fimul & imago Dei fim, & cum coevovoluter: quod& cump.ulchra valetudine eft, bellome laceffit, & cum bello premitur, ma=rore me af- ficit quod, & ut çonfervum amo , & ut idmicumodi atq; averfor : quod, & ut vinculum fugio , & ut cave- res vereor. Si debilitare illud & conficere ftudeo , jam ;nonhabeo-quo focio & opitulatoread res prxclarifsimas Samar ; nimirur a hand ignorans quam ob caufacn pro - creatus