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THE CONTENTS. He Text opened: Dottrine s deduced: andMethod propounded, pag. 1. to 5 What ù not this Crucifjingof the world : by way of Caution to avoid extreams , Sect. 2. p. 5 In what refpells the world mull be Crucified to 'es : 1, As the creaturewould be mansfelicity, or any part of it, Sect. 3. p, J ó 2, As it isfet in competition with God, or in the leali degree of co- ordination withhim, Q. 11 3. As it fíandethat emit), to Godand his waies. 4. As it is the 'natter of our flefh pleafingand_fuel of confcupifcence. 5. As an Independant or feparated good, without itsdue Relations to God , p. 1415 Eph. 2.12. Pfal. 39 6. & 73. 20. conrdered, P.18, 19 The different fuccefJes of fanilified and unfar lifieditudies and knowledge, P. 17, 21 The