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76 The Cruc fylîlg of the world, therein, as in its Natural hate confidered , it is the work of Cod. For though man be em nently created in his image , yet all his works are like him in their meafure and therefore have all an excellency to be admired. It cannot bethat infinite t1'ifdom can make any thing which (hall not have Tome imprefiìons and de- monftrations thereof. Norcan Coodne /, make any thing but what is Good. And never did the Almighty make any thing that is abfolutely contemptible ; Nor any thing fo mean, which can be done by any other without him ; fo far unimira ble ishe in the fsnallcf of his works. Nor did he ever make any thing in vain ; but thofe things which fecm (mall and ufeieissous have an un- fearchableexcellenèy and ufefulnefswhich we know not of if theunskilful have the modefty to believe, that the fmallefi firing in an Ir rument of Mufìck, and the fmallefi pin in a Watch, have their ufe, though he know not of it , we havegreat reafon to think as modefily of the frameof all theworks of God. And thole things that in themfelves confrdered are (mall, yet refpe- eively and virtually may be very great. The heart,may do more to the prefervation of life then a part much bigger; and the eye may fee more then all the reti of the body befides. And the or- der, location and refpeês of leverai parts doth give them Inch an admirable ufefulnefs and excellency which none can know that feeth not the whole frame. Yea our own felves, fouls or bodies corfidered as the work- manship of Cod, mudnot be rhos ht or fpoke contemptibly of. For fo by all that we fay againfi the work we do but reproach and dishonour the work-man.In allour felt- acculations and con- demnations, we mußt take heed of accufang or condemning our Creator. Our Naturalr thereforemuff be honoured , while our Corrupt Mor,lj are vilified. We muti difgrace nothing that is of God, but only that which maybe truly called our own : Nor in the accufation of our Own, mull we by reHexions and confe- quences accule that which is Gods, as if the fault in the Original were his. By giving us our Natsralfree-tbill, which is a fell - determining power he made us capable of havingfomet+hgt in Morality which we may too ¡Wily call our own : And our lofs and want of Moral freedom, ( which is but our right Difpofiti- ans and Inclinations) were not to be charged ultimately on our (elves if the(orchid Naturalfreedom didnot make uscapable