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v TheCrucifying of the world, propriety in Lands or Houles, and have feparated themfelves in- to a Monafticall fociety. An high commendation to their Church, whenmen muff be Sainted with them, if they will do no miíchief, though they make themfelves ufelefs to the reft'of the world. The fervant that hid his Talent in a Napkin, was condemned by Chrill as wickedand flka4hful ; and (hall he be commended by us for extraordinarily devout ? Will you reward that fervant that will lock up himfelf in his .chamber , or hide his head in a hole when he (hould be bufle at your work ? O"r will you reward that fouldier that will withdraw from the Army into a corner , when he fhould be fighting ? The world fwarms on every fide with mul- titudes of ignorant and impenitent (inners, whole miferable con- dition cryeth loud for force relief, to all that are any way able to relieve them. And thefe Religious Monks make hafte from among them, and leave them to themfelves to fink or fwim , and they think this cruelty to be the top of piety. Unworthy is that man to live on the earth, that liveth only to himfelf, and com.. municateth not the gifts of God to others. And yet do thefe idle,unprofitable droans, efteem their courfe, the life of perk&i- on. When we mull charge through the thickeft of our enemies, and bear all the unthankful) requitals öf theworld, and undergo their fcorns and perfeeutions, thefe wary fouldiers can look to their skin , and get out of the reach of fuch encounters; and when they have done,imagine that they have got the vitory. To live to our felves, were it never fo fpiritually, is far unlike the life of a Chriflian : A good man is a common good ; and compaf- fionate to the miferable and defirous to bring others to the participation of his felicity. To withdraw fromthe world to do. God fervice, is to get out of the Vineyard or Shop , that we may do our Matters work. If you have riches it is not calling them away that (ball ex- cule you, inftead of an holy improving them for God. If you have poffeffions, it is not a renouncing of propriety , that (hall excufe youfrom the prudent and charitable ufe of them. The fame I fayalto of Relations, of Offices in the Church and Com- mon-wealth. God calleth younot to renounce them : To cru- cifie the world is not to difclaim all the relations, poffefsions , or honoursof the world. Thefe are not yours bur Gods : And as he put them-into you; hands, and commanded you faithfully to ufc