Baxter - BX5202 B29 1689

[í09] takes for his Members whom he will fave ; and all this for tel- ling Prelates that their Book is`faulty , and defiring any amend- ment of their work while Swarms of flagitious Men are en- dured and by this encouraged to (corn at Confcience and fear ofSinning, and to take their wicked lives to be better than the Godly Convera.rion of thofe that are ufed far worfe than they. Thus Chrift foretold his Apoftles that they thould be caft out of the Synagogues. But as he found and faved the healed Man, 70/3. 9. whom the Pharifees had caft out ; fo he will ownand ga ther his Flock, and take their wrong as done to him. Chap. XXIV. Point XXI. Of Tu' lrfhing 'Excornmunica . tions according to the Fifeh Canon, about the Articles. L. 1VV.Hat is the Fifth Canon, and its Excommunication ? M [Whofoever (hall affirm that Any of the 39 Articles agreed on----1562. are in any part Superlitious or Erro- neous, orfuch as he may not with a good Confcience fubfcribe unto, let him be Excommunicated ipfo faro, andnot reflored but only by the .Arch-Bifhop after his Repentance and publich, Revocation of fuck his Tricked Errors. L. I hope you that agree with the Church in Doctrine, have nothing againfi Publijhinpfuch an Excommunication. Articles as true , becaufe M. I Snbfcribe to the Doctrinal e judgeof them by what I take to be the Author's meaning : But 1. The words in the obvious fence, are divers of them liable to Exceptions. 2. And fome of them about Traditions , Ceremo- nies, etc. are of frall moment and dubious. 3. And every word that is true, is not an Article of the Creed , nor neceffary to Church Communion ; fo that all Men muff be caft outof the Church that diffent from it. And this Excommunication ex- tends to Lay-Men (who are not bound to know as much as Minifiers. L. What is therein the Articles that any good Man can fcrupie? 2W. Article 3. Learned Men doubt of drift's going down in- toHell. Art. 4. That Chrift's:Body in Heaven bath Flefh and Bones, is contrary to two Genet°a4 Councils, that of Nice 2. and that be- fore it at .Col*. which it confuteth : And in this they agree. Art. 8.,