Baxter - BX5202 B29 1689

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THE ENGLISH .:1-. onco formit As under KingCharles II. and Kinggames Ih TRULY STATED and ARGUED, By R I C H A R D B A X T E R. Who earneí"ly befeecheth Rulers, and Clergy, not-to Divide. and Def"roy the Land, and cat" their ownSouls on thedreadful Guilt and Punifhment of National PER TZ' R r, Lying, deli- berate Covenanting toSin againft God,corrupt his Churct,and not Amend, nor by Laws or blind Malignity, to reproach faith, ful Minifters ofChrit}, and Judge them to Scorn and Beggery, and to Lieand.Die in !ails as Rogues, and fo to ftrengthen ero- fanenefs, Popery and Schifm, and all for want of WILI,INc- NESS and PATIENCE to READ and Hear their juf" De- fence;while they can fpend much more time in Sin and Vanity. The .Author humbly begs that he and his Books ofunconfutable Defence of a ,Miftaken persecuted Caufe may not be Wit- neffes againft them for fuch great and wilful Sin to their Con- demnation. Mat. I2. 25. Every Kingdom divided again,i it felf is brossght to I)efcation. Luk. T 3. 3. 5. Except ye Repent, yediaa all likemife Periji. LONDON, Printed for Thl. Parkhurff at the Bible and Three Crowns, at the lower End ofCheap/ de, 1689.


7 is agreed on by all real'Chriftians, that Man being mad an intelligentFree Agent , not under bruitifh necefJitatíng Determination by Objects, isgoverned by God by the .Mo- ral wayof Law;. that is by. the Signification ofhis Ruler's Will, making his Duty, andnot by meer natural or forcible Mo- tion : And it is agreed that GOD himfelf is his only abfolute Univerfal Ruler , and his Laws given in .EVature and by Reve- lation are the only Univerfal Laws, which no Humane Power can abrogate or difpenfe with : And that Kings and Magi ,/bates are his Minifiers for Mens good , and have no Power but from him, and, none againfi him or his Laws ; and that it irnot Manbut God, by whom we muff all bejudged to everlafling Reward or. Funifhment.: And therefore that all men muff obey God beforeMen, and muß not fear them that can but (ill the Body, but him who i3 able to caft both Soul andBody into Hell. And it is agreed on by all Sober Chrifiians, that therefore a.s Subjes Ma ufe their ownReafon as difcerningSelf -Governours, to fudge who is their King, and who is a Ufurper, and what A6`tions are commandedor forbidden by Man's Laws; fo ma they firft and chiefly ufe their own reafon to judge difcerningly what At-lions are commanded or forbidden by God, and m;ft do accordingly whoever is againfi it. This yudgment is :commonly: called .Confcience; which if it err not . ma be followed but if it err, it mull be rethfied for then it is not God indeed that is obeyed :. for God's. Law changeth not as Confcience doth : yet to go ,againffilcha Confcience is Sin, becaufe it is interpre- tativ'ly to go agaia God, while the Man thought this. had been God's_With, A._ On"

The Preface. On Suppofïtion of this certain truth, all that ever Iyet read that Condemn the 11Zonconformiits , and Preachfor their Re- proach and Ruine, do confefr, that if any one thing required of us as neceflary to our Miniftry or Communion be Sin, our Nonconformity is but our Duty ; and all the whole Miniftry of England, on whom this was impofed by the A& of Uniformity on Bartholomew-Day, 1662. were bound in Confcience to have been Nonconformifis : (Whether al fo to bave all ceafed to Preach the Gofpel, I leave to their Confide- ration.) This being the Confeffion of all that Silence us, and fend us to Gaols , and call out for our utter Extirpation, I know no fborter or likelier way , to flop all this burning Wrath ,. and end our Mifchievous Diffentions , than to try whether no one thing required of us be Sin. Forty of the things required of Miniflers, and Twelve of thofe required of the Laity, in all Fifty two, I have propofed to Examination, not as accufing the Laws or the Conformtabs, whatever I think of them; but only rendering briefly the Reafons of our own refu- fals. And Forty three Points in which many fafy fuppofe we Conform not (andfame may perhaps be found that do not Con- form to them all) I have fir.kf inflanced in, as being fuch as we oppofe not, nor are any Tarts ofour Nonconformity. If all the 7uflices and Minifiers of England , who cen -lure us, and profecute us ass intolerable Sinners, for our fear- ing thefe as Sin, have impartially tryed all thefe Points, and Reafons, or yet will do , and can find no Sin in any one of the Fifty two , and it trove fo indeed, I mu.i fay that all theTwo Thoufand 1Vlinifers that in 1662. were Silenced, were as un- happy and firangely blinded Men, as moft in the World that are true Chri.kians ; that after all their Study and Prayers, they fbould affright themfelves into fo calamitous a State, again.b all the reafon'of their Worldly Intere. fs, as well ass againik the welfare of the Church, and their Duty to God : 2. But 1 muii fay , pab doubt, that the accufing Clergy are deeply guilty of it, who thefe Twenty one years have ne better anfwered

The Preface. 'Infrared the Reafons of our fear , nor ufed more Wifdom and Charity for our juft Convitlion. For our Confciences are of fuch a temper , as will not be convinced with a Scorn or a fail , nor take all Writings or Words as fatisfatlory, that are poured out with fupercilious Confidence, and calledSatisfaó®ry by the Self ofteeming Authors. I am told by divers , That I have written enough already on thefe Subjects , were it only my firft and fecond Plea for Peace , my Treatife of Epifcopacy , and that of Concord, and my Apology for our Preaching. And theyfay, Du mug expe5l to do no good , nor fo much as to be read by !Myer farms , much left with Diligence and impartial Willingnefs to know the Truth ; but contrarily to be hated , and accu- fed of force odious Crime , and laid in fail, among Male- fa5lors till you die 5 and a Prifon will be more grievous to one in your pain and languifhing than to another. On the other fide , I have been long importuned to give an account ofthe Reafons ofour Nonconformity : I have by Bifhops been reproved for not doing it : Lords and Terfons of great Qua- lity have been perfwaded , that we keep up a dangerous Schifin in the Land , to the cherifling of Difcontents and Sedition, only for things which we confefs to be indifferent, and no Sin : the Laws accufe us : The numerous Addreffes of Counties, Cities and Corporations, revile us as the Nurfes of Rebellion : No fHall number ofPreachers plead for our Ruine on the fame Suppofition , and tell the `People that it is no Sin that we flick at , but Humour , Pride and Fat7ion make ass difobedient Schifrnaticks without any reafon for what we do. The fails are fll'd with Nonconformifts : Nine Mini- fters are now in .Newgate , and 'many more in other Places. And almo.r` t all of themMui l and Fined infar more than ever they were worth. Their Goods and Books taken by Diftrefs They are fain to fly or - ;ahfcond that are not in Prifon : Their Wives and Children in _ Diftrefs and Want : They are judg- ed by the 7uflices unworthy fo much as to be fummoned to Anfwer

The Preface. Anfwer for themfelves before they are judged, or to be heard'' Tkad their own> uaufe,' or to know and queflion their Accu; fens and Witneffes ;' But az I my felf was Difireined of all my Goods and Books on five Gonvit ions before ever I heard of any Accufation, or faw a yudge, fo is it with many others, and more. In a word, Lords, ,Knights ; and Clergy-men `:take ws for. iunfufferabie ; Perfoni in the `'Land., `unfit for Humane Society, Enemies to . Monarchy , Obedience and Peace, ` and Corporations proraifé to choofe fuch J ornament Men as are for our Extirpation. And all this is for our Nonconformity, which they all confefs to be. oar Duty ifit be any. Sin that by the Impoftions is required,ofus. And if fo fmall and eafie a task as proving one or many fuch Sins required, would recover the Charity and yuflice ofall thefe Men, andfave themfelves and the Land from the guilt of Profecuting and Opprefng.the Innocent, and Condemning, Men-. fcr Obedience to God , and driving confcionable and loyal . Perfons out of the Land, or overwhelming themwith false Accufations, becaufe of 'other`Mens Treafons or Sedition, is not he that will forbear his Part and Duty in fo dreadful a Cafe, a greater Sinner than he that when the City . is on fire, will not do his belt to quench it; or that will not . put out his hand to fave a Friend or Child in fire or. Water, for fear of frme trouble to himfelf?' I did in my firfi Plea for Peace, only name the Matters which we dare not Conform to, and durfl not give the Reafons of our Fear and Nonconformity Whereupon many fiince have importuned,, me for thole Reafons, as without which I could not expea. that. Me-n fhould underftand our Cafe. Why fhould I deny this ? Is it through defpair. that Rulers . and -Clergymenwill not regard.Reafon or will not bear it , but anfwer it withCon- tempt. or Prifons ? That is to accufe them of fuch injuftice, Un- oharitablenefs, anA Inhumanity mull not accufe any of that do not by open.. Pratlice accufe themfelves._,

rc Preface. :.Ts it,lef 'If mid .Puffer by them ? My Life and Labours have been ' long Vowed to God .: He : bath preferved .my Life, and fr cceeded my Labours above forty "ears, by a continued courfe of remarkable Providence, beyond my own .and other Mens ex- pe çations. What he bath thus given me , is doubly due to his Service ; which bath been fill fo good to me , that it hatb macle even a painful life, a continual pleafure. .11e neverfailed or forfookme : I dare not ask any longer life of him, but for more and longer Service. And ifmy Service be at an end, why not my Life alfo? If I refufe his Service, I invite God to cut o my Life : And what Service elfe can I now do? I have neither leave nor f rength to Preach. I have thefe fourteen Months beendifabledfo much as to go to any Publiclyor Private Church, or hear a Sermon. My Body with pain and languid feeblenefe is a daily heavy load to me. I fuller more by it everyday, than fr,Pm all myEnemies in the world. Andfhall I be _guilty. of theheinous Sinof the ®mien of my Duty in a time offuch ur- gent and crying Neceffity, to five fo calamitous a Life, which I amHill looking when it endeth ? Is not a Prifon as near a Way to Heaven asmy own Houfe ? I will not do cm thofe Chrifians that Cyprian writes to Comfort, who were greatly troubled at Death,' bea sfe they diednot by Martyrdom. But I takea Death forfo páblick andprong a Caufe of Truth, Love, Innocency and Peace, to be a more comfortable fort of Martyrdom, than theirs that were Burnt in Smithfield for denying the Real Pretence, andfuch like ; and if God will fo endfich a painful Life when Sicknefs and .Ltlatural decay is ready to end it , I hopehe will teachme neither to repine, nor to be utterlyunthanbful. Andas to the uncertainty offix-cell--; He that obferveth the Windfhall not fow ; God muf be' trufed to biefs our Work while we Plant and Water ; It's my part to do my Duty , and God's part to give fuccefs : 'I commend my felf living and dying into the hands of my creator and Redeemer , and end this Preface in the words of St. Paul, Aa. 20. 23, 24. Bonds and afilitions abide me ;. But none of there things move

A The Preface. move me, neither count I my life dear untomy fell, fo that I might finith my courfe with Joy, and the Miniflry which I have received of the Lord Jefus, to teflifie theGofpel ofthe Grace of God. Richard Baxter. Londox, Sept. 23. z683.

^°°--------- An Infrance of the Accv s AT I ON s which call for our Defence ; (betides thofe in the Aft for Banifbment fromCorporations, &c.) Devon 4t d General. uarterial. Segion. Pacis Dorn. Regis tent. apud cafr. Exon. in & pro Contitat. prad. Secundo die O obris, Anno Regni Dorn. no, ri Caroli Secundi Dei gratia Anglia, Scotia, Francia ", f? Hibernia Regis , Fidei Defen- for.&c.Viceffinio quinto, Annoque Dom. "1683e E have been fo abundantly convincedof the Seditious and Rebellious PraEtices of the Sectaries and Phana- ticks, who through the C'ourfe of above One hun- dred years fince we were firft infefled with 'em, have fcarce afforded this unhappy Kingdom any interval of reft from their Horrid Treafons , as that we muff effeem 'em, not only the open Enemies of our Eflablifhed Government, but to all the common Principles of Society and Humanity it felf Wherefore, that we may prevent their Horrid Confpiracies for the time to come, and fecure (as much as in us lies) our molt Gracious -KING and the GOVERNMENT from the Fury and Maliceof'em, we refolve to put the Severeft of the.Laws (which we find too Eafie and Gentle, unlefs enlivened by a vigorous Execution) in force againft 'em. i. We Agree and Refolve, in every Divifion of this County; to require fufficient Sureties for the good Abearing and Peace- able Behaviour of all fuckas we may justly fufPett, or that we can receive any credible Information againft, that they have been at anyCouventicles and Unlawful Mç i gs , or at any,;Fa i us

or Seditious Clubs ; or that have by any Difcourfes difcovered them elves to be diffffe6ked to the prefent Eflablifhed Govern- ment, either in C hurch or ` tate ; or that have been the Au- thors or Publifhers of any Seditious Libels ; or that fhall not in all things duely conform themfelves to the prefent Eflablifhed Government. 2. Becaufe we have a fort of Falfe Men , and more perfi- dious than profeífed Piianatiques, who either wanting Cou- rage to appear in their own fliape, or the better to bring about their Treafonable Defigns, privately Afhociate with , and en- courage the Seditious Clubs of the Sedtaries, and with them Plot heartily againft the Government ; and yet, that they may pafs unfufpedted, _ fometime appear in the Church with a falfe thew of Conformity, only to fave their Money, and the better to ferve their Fadtion : that we may (if poffible) diftinguifh and know all fuch dangerous Enemies , we will aridly re- quire all Church-wardens and Conftables , at all our Monthly Meetings , to give us a full account of all fuch as do not every Sunday refort to their own Parifh-Churches , and are not at the beginning of Divine Service , and do not behave themfelves Orderly and Soberly there, obferving all fuch de- cent Ceremonies as the Laws enjoyn : And that they likewife Prefent unto us the Names of all fuch as have not received the Holy Sacrament of the Lord's supper in their own Parifh- Churches Thrice in the Year. 3. Being fully fatisfied , as well by the clear Evidence of the late Horrid PLOT, as by our own long and fäd Ex- perience , That the 'Nonconformift Preachers are the Authors and Fomenters of this Peftilent Fadtion, and the implacable Enemies of the Eftablifhed Government , and to whom the late Execrable Treafons, which have had fuch difmal efedis in this Kingdom, are principally to be imputed , and who by their prefent obftinate refuting to Take and Subfcribe an Oath. and Declaration , That they do not hold it Lawful to take rap: .4 RAl S againft the KING, and that they will not endeavour any Alteration of Governrent either in Church or State; do ne ceflarily enforce us to conclude, thät they are fill ready to engage themfelves, ( if not actually engaged) in fome Rebel- lious Confpixacy againít the KING, and to invade and :sub- vert

vert his GOV ERNMENT wherefore we refolvYe in eve- ry Parifh of this County, to leave ftrit Warrants in the hands of all Conftables, for the Seizing of fuchPerlons. And as an encouragement to all Officers and others, that íhal1 be inftru- mental in the apprehending of any of tl:em , fo as they may be brought to Juftice , we will give and allow Forty fhil- lings , as a Reward, for every Nonconformift Preacher that íhall be fo fecured. And we Refolve to Profecute them , and all other fuch Dangerous Enemies of the Government , and common Abfenters from Church , and Frequenters. of CONVENT I CLES, according to the Diretionsof a Law made in the Five and Thirtieth Year of the Reign of Q Been E E I ZABETH, Entituled, An AFt for the keeping Her Najefties Stzbjeas in due OBEDIENCE. Laftly , That we may never forget the infinite Mercies of Almighty God, in the late Wonderful Deliverance of our Gracious KING, and his Deareft BROTHER, and all His Loyal Subjets , ( who were deigned for a Maffacre ) from the Horrid Confpiracy of the Phanatiques , and their Accomplices ; and that we may perpetuate as well our own Thànkfulnefs, as their Infamy, that the Generations to come may know their Treachery, and avoid and never truft men of fuch Principles more; and allo , that we our felves may perform our publick Duty to Almighty God, before we enter upon the Publick Service of our Countrey : We Or- der , Refolve , and Agree , with the Advice and Concur- rence of the Right Reverend Father in God , our much Ho- noured and Worthy Lord BISHOP, to give and befiow. for the Beautifying of the Chappel in the Cattle of EXo N, and for the erecting of decent Seats there , Ten Pounds And we will likewife give and continue Six Pounds to be paid yearly to anv one of the Church of Exon, whom the faid Lord BISHOP (hall appoint, to read the DIVINE SERV 1. CE , with the Prayers lately appointed for the day of Thankfgiving on the Ninth of September lafi , and to Preach a Sermon exhorting to laid OBEDIENCE, in the Chappel on the ñrii day of every. general Quarter-Seflior s of the Peace held in the faid,(-afire, to begin precifely at Eigi ie of the Clock in the Morning. (a 2) And

And may the Mercies of Heaven, ( which are infinite) al- ways protea our Religious and Gracious KING, his Deareft BROTHER, and every Branch of that ROYAL FAMILY;. and may all the Treafonable Confpiracies of. thole Rebellious Schifmaticks be always thus happily prevented. Hugo Vauuhan; Cler. Padz Corn. prced: That the continued Care. of His Majeflies: 7uflices ofthe Peace for the County of DEVON, for the Safety of His Ma- jellies Sacred Perfon, the Prefervation of the PublickPeace, and advancement of true Relagion, maybe fuller known,. and have. a better EffeUl I do hereby Order and Require all the CLERG T of my Diocefs within the County of Devon, . deliberately to publif this Order, the next Sunday after it ¡hall be tendred to them. TUO. EXON. (NowArchbishopofPor%) -71"...111111181100.1111..i.... E

T H E CONTENTS. CHap. I. The IntroduEtory Conference. Ch. 2. The things prefuppofed as agreed on. Ch. 3. What our Nonconformity is not , in 50 inflances. Ch. 4. A brief Enumeration of the things impofed on u.,s, which are the Matter of our Nonconformity. Ch. 5. I. Of Reordination. Ch. 6. IL Of the Oath and Covenant of Canonical Obedience to Pi- fhops and Ordinaries. Ch. 7. III. Ordained Minillersforbidden to Preach, or Expound any Scripture, or Matter or DoEtrine, Can. 49. Ch. 8. IV. and V. Of Subfcribing that there is nothing in three Books contrary to the Word of God, and Declaring Affent and Content to all in the Liturgy, &C. Ch. 9. VI. OfAfenting that it is CERTAIN by the Word of God, that Infants baptized dying before atlual Sin, are-undoubtedly fava (qua tales) not exceoting the feedofAtheiffs, yews, or any. Ch. to. V II. Of the Englith fort of Godfathers at Baptifni and their Vows. Ch. i i. VIII. Of refufing to Baptize fuch as have not fuch God- fathers. Ch. 12. IX. Of the Dedicating fymbol of Croffing at Bapiifm. Ch. 13. X. Ofdenying Baptifm where Croging is refuted. Ch. 14. XI. OfRejetling from Communion all that dare not receive Kneeling. Day always: Whether /mall lyes be Sin ? Ch. 15. XII. Ofconfentingto thefalfe Rule, as true,forfi Ch. i6. XIII. OfPronouncing all Saved that are Buried, except the XIV. Of Confentiq to readAifittch of tho/4p Excommunicate, Vnbaptiz.ed, and Self-Murderers.

The Contents. 'Ch. 18, XV. Of ..lffent ing to Mif-trailflations of God's Word , and fubfçribing that they are not contrary to it. Ch. 19. XVI. Of Confenting to rejetí all from Chriftian Communion, who defire not the Englifh manner of Epifcopal Confirmation. C. 20, XVII. Of Contenting to dl the Ornaments of Church and Mi- nifers which were in ufe in the Secondyear ofKing Edw. 6. Ch. 21. XVIII. Of giving account to the Ordinary of allthat we beep from the Sacrament, that he may proceed againil them according to the Canons : which leads us to confider thofe Canons. Ch. 22. XIX. Of Publifhing Lay-Chancellors Excommunications and .Abfolutions, according to the Canons. Ch. 23. XX. Of Publifhing Excommunications according to thefourth Canon. -Ch, 24. XXI. Of Publing Excommunications according to the fifth Canon. Ch. 25. XXII. Of Publifhing Excommunications by thefixth Canon. Ch. 26. XXIII. Of Publifhing Excommunications by the feventh Canon. Ch. 27. XXIV. Of T'ubli(hing Excommunicationsby the eighthCanon. Ch. 28. XXV. Of Excommunicating all that call DifJenters a Church, according to the 9th, loth, and 1 ithCanons. Ch. 29. XXVI. Of executing Canon 27, rejeling Nonconformifls fromCommunion. Ch. 30. XXVII. Ofrefufing others Parifhioners fromCommunion ac- cording to Can. 28. Ch. 31. XXVIII. Of Can. 38. Excommunicating Miniffersfor Re+ punting of their Subfcribing. Ch. 32. XXIX. Of Can. 51. Excommunicating Men for going for ,Baptifm and Communion from Minifters that never Preach to thofe that do. Ch.33. XXX. Of Can. 58. making the Surplice neceJfary to Mini- ftration. 'Ch. 34 XXXI. Of forcing Minifters by Can. 68. to Baptize all Chil- dren without exception of Atheifts or Infidels. Ch. 35. XXXII. OfCan. 72. againft Fafts and Prayer unlicenfed. Ch. 36. XXXIII. Of Excommunication by the three laft Canons. -Ch. 37 . XXXIV. Of renouncing all Obligation by theCovenant, as on me or Any other, to Endeavour any alterationof Church Govern. anent. eh. 38. XXXV. Of the Oxford Oath, never to Endeavor filch Al- teration. Ch, 39.

The ,Contents. Ch. 39. XXXVI. Of Subfcribing andSwearing that the Pofitim is Traitorous of taking Arms by the King's Authority againft th.ofe Commitoned by him in Purfuance of fuch Commiffion ; without Ex- ception. A Lord Keeper's Seal to a Commion to Confpirators to ' may pot feize the King's Forts, Magazine and Guards ode e him. Ch. 40. XXXVII. OfAf]entingand Confènting to the a'amning Clau- fes in Athanafius's Creed. Ch. 41. XXXVIII.. Of flying Common- Prayer twice a day, every day in the year ordinarily. Ch. 42. XXXIX. Offorcing unwilling Men to the Sacrament and Ac- cufrng and Excommunicating the refufers. Ch. 43. XL. our Minifiry and ceafing to Preach the Gofpel 5 Whether it be-not Sacriledge and Cruelty in us and ofBa- nijhment 5 miles from all Corporations, &c. Ch. 44. Of Lay- Conformity. I. Whether all men muff truf their Souls on the Paftoral ConduEt ofall fuch, as our Patrons will choofe, and the Bifhops inftitute. Ch. 45. II. Whether Parents have not more right than our Patrons,.:. to choofe PaforsanáChurch-Communionfor their Children. Ch. 46. III. Of forcing Men to Schifm , by renouncing Communion with true Chriftians and true Churches. Chap. 47. IV. Of binding all the Laity to live without any more be- nefit ofChurch-.Difcipline,than is ufed bythe Bifhops and their Courts. Ch. 48. V. Of difcountenancing the fear of Sin, and the ferious pra- Hice of Godlinefs : divers in/tances. Ch. 49. V.I. The Laity denied Baptifm, who refute the forefaid for of Godfathers,.excluding the Parents. Ch. 5o. VII. Baptifm denied to them that dare notfubmit to the dedi- cating Symbol of Croffing. Ch. 5i. VIII. Of RejeEting not-kneelersfromChurch Communion. Ch. 52. IX. Ofdenying Lay-menCommunion in aNeighbour Parity Church, when they dare not Communicate with their own Parifhes For the Reafons aforefaid. Ch. 53. X. The Laity muff Swear never to endeavour any Alteration.= ofGovernment in the Church, without Exception. Ch.54. XI. The Laity mxft fwear an Abhorrence of taking Arms againft any Commiffioned by the ICi *'g, without Exception: when they ;lacier/land not whether every one be the King's Commi on that is . fined by the Lord- Chancellor or PrivySeal, though it be again b Lamy, and tend to overthrowKing and ICingdom> :. ... z+_... .. ,..ia.. ... .._ ..A

The Contents. Ch. 55. Xli. Whether all trusted in Cirporations -may declare that there is no Obligation on them or any other,from the Oath call'd The Solemn League and Covenant, not fomuch as to repent of SO, or oppofe Profsnenefs, Popery or Schifm, and defend the King : and fo that C. Monk s Army,and all the refi of the Three Nations that reftored the King as obliged to it by th,t Vow , ,vere all deceived, and not fo obliged : and whether all the Siwje6ls muff be fore of this' Ch. 56. Of Thirty tremendous Circumftances and Principles which all agree. in, that, affright Men fromConformity. Ch. 57. The Reafons for Conformity cçnfadered. Ch. 58. Whether Communion with fo faulty a Church be lawful. Se- paration confuted. Ch. S9. ADraught (in ten Articles) of that which the Reconciling Nonconformifts,defireforhealing our Church Divifions : In the words which they judge meeteft to that ufe. Ch. 6o. The Reafons of thofe ten Articles diftinaly render'd. Ch. 61. Whether the Extirpation of the Nonconformifts be not rather to be attempted , than a Vnion with them by thefe means Handled with reference to a late Treafonable Plot againfíi the King. Ch. 62. Fifty ..Queftions propofed to unjuft Silencers.

TkIE True CASE OF THE Qngit)jouton1ointtp In a DIALOGUE between A Silenced M'INIS TE qz, and a LAWY CHAP. L The Introduefory Conference, Lawyer. IR, the danger of theKings Dominions byour Irre- ligious Contentions about Religion , poJfeffeth the obfrvers with jug indignation ; but all know not on whom to lay the blame ; force lay it on .the Bifhops, and force on the Nonconformifts, and force on both : I am unwilling to wrong any ; but when I think, of our danger, and hear that it is but Cere' monies, and things indifferent for which you breakthe Law, and make a Schifm in the Church, and weaken us bydivifions ; I cannot but thinkyou deeply guilty. ,Minifter. How long have you fo judged ? L. Thefe twentyyears, ever fence you were put out. M. Didyou ever byReading and Conference with thofe that B yo'e

C` 2 J` you cenfure, acquaint your felf truly with their Cafe. L. I have Peen Tome of your Books, but Ihave not tall¿t much of theft matters with any ofyou, but I read and hear from the Doffors of the Church what you are, and what you hold. M. Will you take us to be the juft reporters what they are and hold ? L. 1V"o, you are Adverfaries and partial. M. And arenot they as much fò to us ? Is not every man fit- ter toprofefs hisown Faith than his Adverfàry is ? And have you done well to judge before you heard and tryed ? Shall Judges do fo on the Bench ? Have younot all thefe years, continued guilty of falfè judging and uncharitablenefs, and that againft a great number of the innocent ? And if you every day prayed for for giveneis but as you forgive, even an enemy and real injury, what have you done all this while in condemning the guiltlefs ? L. Why have you not in Writing given the World jaíft fatisfaE1i on if you are guiltlefs r What fin have youproved to be in the Con- formityrequiredof you? I fee no filch proof. M. You knowwhat penalties the Law layeth on any that de- prave the Common Prayer Books, and that all are Excommuni- cate ipfo fatbo, that do but affirm any thing to be againft Gods Word, in any Office ofyour Church Government, in any Word or Ceremony in your Liturgy, &c. Can, 5. 6, 7, 8. And you knowwhat follows Excommunication here. And you know that till of late years the Prefs .was Phut up to us : But have you feri- oufly read and ffudyed what is written by us .? I my íelf have toldyou ; i . InaBook called APlea for Peace, what things they be. which Nonconformifis take to be finful in Conformity, and howgreatand hainous the fin is which they fear ; and what fepa- ration is unlawful and what is neceffary. 2. In a full Treatife of Epifcopacy I have ¡hewed what Epiícopacy we are for, and what we areagainf'e, and why, and what Antiquity held here - about, and what we have to fay tomolt of the Learned Men that have written for that Diocefan form, which we cannot approve, 3, In an_Alpology, I have proved it our ditty to Preach, though forbidden, as far as we are able, and mens neceffities require it, q:. Its a fecund Plea for Peace, I ii ve folly given the World an, account of our ?oc`frine , of Magiftrates Power and Subjets Duties hi'matters Civil and. Etclefiaftical, &c. 5,. In a Treatif of

(3) of°Chesrch,Couco d, I have fully proved that the Primitive fin-TN- city in things divine, few, plain and Pure is the only 'Zink-mat- ter of Untverfal Chriftian Unity and Concord. I know not of any one of thefe that are Anfwered, or any thing like an Anfwer to themwritten, fave that to force part of the firft, force meer impertinent noife was made by fòme one that is confuted. L. We that have other Employment have not leifure to read fo many tedious Writings : Tell us your Cafe in a feu words ifyou would have us underfAndyou. M. Did you get your skill in Law by fo eafie and fo fhort a Study ? Or is any kind of Knowledge fo eafily got, where Con troverfie hathdrowned the matter in contradicting words. You know that it is multitudes of Volumes that are written on the other fide : And it's impo%ble toAnfwer themall in a fewwords : And if they be unanfwered, they will fay, we have donenothing. But had you as ferioufly ftudyed but one or two of thefe Books, (e. g. my firff Plea for Peace, andTreatife of Epifcopacy) as you do LawBooks, I fcarce think you wouldhave been long unfatis- fied. But if indeedyouhave no time to hear, read and ftudy, fay alto you have no time toknow or judge : And no more cen- fùre what you know not. L. How comes your Cafe to be fo little underffood ifyouhave done fomuch to open and juftifie it ? M. You may know by your felf. i . Men Rudy their own matters in which theyfe4 themièlves concerned ; and as for ours they think they are not much concerned to know them. 2. At Ieaff not at the rate of any hard and diligent ftudy, which nei- ther love nor neceffity leads them to. 3. Moft are ftrangers to us, even they that dwell near us, and converfe not with us. 4. The rather becaufe that as we are out of the rifing way, and are under publick difcountenance, and banifhed from Corporati- ons, and much from converfe with men of publick place and in- tereft, fo our familiarity is become fearful, left- it brings thofe thatare familiar with us into fufpicion, 5. And they converfe with thofe that through Ignorance or Malice do defcribe us and our Caufe and Books, as they would have all men think of us ; and it is not good manners or fafe to contradif them. And fo the notice of our Mind and Cafe mud be received, not fromus, but from our accufers. Do you obferve this method. in Weft- , B 2 tninfier

(4) minfter-Hail. 6. And how much intereft can byas -mens judg- ments, common experience too eafily tells us : They that are uppermoft feldomwant applauders, nor dejeâed men accufers. Every School-boy can tell youout of Ovid. de Trio-. Dum fueris fcrlix multos numerabis ámicos : Nu1,1us ad amiffas ibis amicus opes. Afpicis ut veniunt ad candida tea-a Columba : Accipiet nullasfor- dida turris aves. A few ferious Believers that look for a more righteous and important judgment after death, do not lofe the treafure of Truth and Innocency in Shipwrack, it beingas near them as themfelves : But catera fortune non mea turba f.iít. L. But if there be no caufe, how come you to be fo odious to others ? M If you that dwell in England cannot anfwer that your fell, when you have taken a Purvey of the quality and lifes of them that hate us, and them that they hate, and of their diftit4d in- terefts and motives, I will not anfwer it toyou ? L. But whence is it that Clergy-men of the fame Profeffion fo much difagree ? M. The former anfwer (hall ferve to this : Whence is it that the Clergy by difagreement about Opinions and Superiority have broken the whole Chriftian World into that ftate of doleful divi fion, in which in Afia, Africa andEurope, it Iyeth to this day? If you know not read theHiftoryof the Church. L. Whichpart ofyou foever is guilty, the guilt muff needs be very hainous, when the Preachers of the Cofpel of Love andPeace, fo hate each other, and perfwade all to do the like, and will not let the Worldbe quiet. M. No doubt but Love and Concord are fogreat Duties and Bleffìngs, and there is fo muchof Satan in the contrary, that you canhardly aggravate the guilt too much. If it were better for that man that offendeth or ftumbleth one of the leaft, that he had never been born, or he had been call with a millfione about his fleck into the Sea ; what a cafe are thefe Church Paftors in that tear the Church, and Preach down Love, and harden thoufands in Ungodlinefs and Cruelty, and endanger the lofs of Religion to theLand. L. If I knewwhich of you had done mof for Love and Peace, and haft again{ft them , I fhould know to whom to impute our troubles. M. We

C5) M. We Juftifie not our felves, and we leave othersto their Judge : We have deferved worfe fromGod, than we have fuf fered. But we muff fay ; i . That we impofe not our words, our books, our forms, our different rites on any, nor would do, . by violence, had we power : We put no Oaths, Subfcriptions, Covenants, Profeffions or Prac`lices doubtful upon any :. To them, that tell us we did fo in former times, we fliil fày, let them ufí: no other fo but thofe that ufed them fo, and we are fatisfied : I know not fix in Englandof all the prefent Nonconformifts that did fa : We are not for Silencing or im:prifoning them, nor for- bidding them to worthip God : In 166a we motioned no change of Church Government, which fhould take down any of their Lordfhips Maintenance or Epifcopal Power, but only Arch-Bifhop.._ Vihers Draught of the ancient Epifcopacy, and thankfully ac- cepted what. the King then granted in his Declaration of Ecc1e fiaflical Affairs. 2. Wenever craved Preferment of them, but. leave to ferve Chrift and his Church in the Office which we were: Vowed to. We certainly knewwhat impediments hindered the defired Unity, and what divifions muff needs follow were, they, not removed, whichby others they might eafily have been, with- out coil or danger. We Pleaded, we Wrote, we Petitioned,. and. Leg'd for Peace, even for that which the King had granted And what could we do more ? Since then abflve twenty years we have laboured as we could, fometime to few, and fometime to more ; Ad: have patiently lived upon. Charity, and fuffered -- I need . not tell you what. L. But why couldnot you Conform to the Lary ds well as they ? M. -t. Can menbelieve what others lift becaufe they bid us ? Is there nothing that you or they would refufe if it be but com- manded you ? What ufe have we for a Law of God then ? If we muff difobey it as oft as we are bid, that were to renounce God, and all Religion and Salvation. And we have not our own underílandings at command ;: we have offered them our Oaths thofe twenty years, that we would obey them in all, except at the rateof finning and damnation. 2. .And if we had done as they did we muff have profeft our Aflènt andConfent to all things contained in and prefcribed by a Book which we never faw : For lb did we fuppofe above fevers thoufand men, the. Book not comingout of the. Prefs tiaabout the day

(6) day that they were fo to Affent to it., Aag. 24. fo that no doubt they did it on an implicite truft in 'others ; except the few that were inor near London : This fully í'news that though almoft all the nine thoufand or more Minifters that were in poffefion when the King carne in, did before conform'to the way of the Diredto- ry, and not to the Common - Prayer Book, yet there was a great latent difference between the (even thoufand that conformed, and the two thoufand that did not. L. But feting all the firers lyeth upon the queftion, Whether it be only things Lawful, indifferent or good, which you refute, or any thing which God forbiddeth : I pray tell me plainly, what it is that yon take to be finful in the Conformity required ? And what it is that you would have as necefary in its fead. M. I will tell you on thefe Conditions ; t . That you pardon me for repeating here what I have already written. 2. That you bring not your felt a Confcience fo laxe as will take nothing for fin, which men ufe to make light of, though God forbid it, and then think that our Confciences fhould be as wide as yours. 3. That we may premife the things prefnppofedas agreedon. C HA P. II. The tkinss pr^efppcfd as agreed on. L. W Hat are the 4 reements which yon prefrppofe ? M. Thefe following. I. That God is the Abfolute Soveraign Ruler, and hath made inNature, and in the Sacred Scripture, Univerfal Laws for the whole Church and World : And that Kings are His Subjec`Is and Officers, and have no Power but what He giveth themdirealy or indirectly, and therefore none againft Him ; no more than a Confiableagainft the Sovereign Power ; and that he and all men are bound to obey Gods Lawes, whoever are againft it or for- bid it. L. I cannot deny this, without denying God to be God, and the Law of Natureand Scripture to be His Law and Word. M. II. That next to his Government, God inorder of Nature and Time made Self_Government and Family-Government before the Government of Republicks, Kingdoms or Cities : And that publick Polity hath no Authority to abrogate Self-Government or Family-Government, but only to over rule and ufe them for the common goodand fàfety. L. This

(7) L. This is undenyable, if you Rate the Governments prefuppofed artht. IH. That it belongs to Self-Government to difcern by rea- fon, whether the Commandsof Men be againft the Commands of God or nOt, which we call 7udicium difcretionis, by which all men mull guide their anions. L. Saari eve;y. man be a judge of the Law, whether it be MI- and good ? How urfit are the vulgar to judge of Lames. M They are no publick judges to decide the cafe for other men, nor doth their judgment refirain or bind the Magiftxate ; nor if they judge =ifs will it juffiFie themfelves, or fufpend the execution of the Law againft them, But if theymuff not have the forefaid di+_cerning.judgment to guide their anions, it will follow ; t . That they are not governed, nor muft obey as Men by Reafèn and Free-will, but as Brutes. z. That Rings have Abfòlute Power againft God, andmuff be obeyed in all that they command, e. g. if it be to curie or blafpherne, or renounce' God. or Chriff, to command the Subjen to live in Murder, Adultery, Perjury, &c. and fo to abrogate the Law of Nature. 3. It fol- loweth, that there is no God (that is, aSupreamRuler) but the King. 4... And I prayyou tell me what you will have the Sub- ¡ens do in cafe of Ufurpation or Competition for the Govern- ment, as between the Houfès of York, and Lancafter, vane and Queen Mary, &mac. when one faith fight for me, and the otherfight forme. If the Subjen lave not a judgment of difcretion to know which is his rightful Sovereign, the King muff be forfaken ? He that will Rand to the command of another, muff judge who his Commander is. L. Andwill you have Infants and Idiots judge of their Parents: commands ? Qr Children in their minority. M. r. Infants and Idiots have not the cafe ofReafon, and fo far are to be ruled by force as Brutes : And Children in that mea. fore as they are fhort of realbn. But 2. If they come to reafon, and the King command themone thing, (e. g. what Church togo to) and their Parents the contrary, would you not have them . judge which they muff obey. 3. Much more if Parents Mould command them to fin againf,c God, . to Steal, Lye, Murder, Blaf:- pheme, and Curie the King, &c. Purely they muft judge as far as they are able . L. f

(8) 'L. I,cannot deny it, proceed in your prefitppofitions. M. IV. That no men have power to command us to damnour Souls, or to any thing that tendeth to it. L. None will deny you that ; but perhaps force things may ceafe to be fin, anddangerous if commanded. M. None can difpenfe with the Laws of God, but we grant that force things that are uulawfitl by fame accident or circum- ftance may become a duty. when commanded, when the good of Obedience, Order and Concord therein, weighs down againft the accident : It may be a fin to go on Warfare before one is com- manded, and a duty when he is commanded. It is a fault in a Servant. togo before he is fent, and a duty after. V. We prefuppofe that deliberate Lying is a fin. L. Is there.any ene doubts of that ? M. If they do not, . our Cafe will foon be decided. But in- deed many deny it. The yanfnits name you many Jefuit Ca- fuifts : And Grotius de ;fure Belli, and I3ilhop 5er. Taylor, deny that Lying is any fin when it is profitable, and wrongethnone ; as in a Phyfician to tice down a Medicine. L. And what have you to fay to the contrary? M. I muff not flay to difpute all fuch matters with you : I have fully anfwered it in my Catechifme on the Ninth Command- ment. Briefly this may fatisfie you : No ones private good muff be fought by a means that would deftroy all Humane Truft and Converfe : But if you give men leave to.lye when they think it needful or harmlefs, it will deftroy all Humane Truft and Con- verfe : For almoíf all will think their lyes are profitable. And we have had Learned, Moderate Conformifts that have trufted to this Argument, and openlydefended it : If Knaves would take my Purfe, I may defend my íelf with my Hands : Ergo, If they would deprive meof my Maintenance andMiniftry, I may defend my ièlf with my Tongue. L. Andhow do you anfwer them ? M. That no man muff defend himfelf by means which will do more hurt than his Miniftry or Life is worth : But to let men boote fo to lying is fuch ; and more forbidden of God than hand- defence : And fin ever doth more hurt thangood, VI. Wemay fuppofe alto that Perjury is unlawful, and would muchmore deftroy all Mutual Truft, and confequently Humane Converfe. VII. And

(9 ) VIL Andwe may fuppofe that he that either commandeth or perfwadeth others tobe perjured, or that openly juftifieth their perjury, by telling;them that it is noperjury, or no fin, is guilty of their perjury. VIII. And we fuppofe that to draw whole Ghurches and King- doms into perjury, by force, perfwafion, example or juftifica- tion of it, and telling them that they need not repent of it, is one of the hainoufeft figs that man can commit, except making it the very Mark or Stigma without which none may be Magiftrates, Minifters or Freemen. L. No one 1 hope will deny any of this. M. IX. We prefuppofe that all Vows, Oaths, Covenants, Profellions, impofed by Superiours, mutt be taken in that fence in which they any way expound them, without forcing them ei- ther by a laxe or an over -rigid interpretation : But if they do not otherwife expound them, they muff be taken in the fence as thofe wordsare commonly ufed and underftood, by fuch as treat of the fubjea which they belong to. L. You have fo cauteloufly expreg it, that I canna- contracl;E you. M. I muff not be tedious in writing the fame things oft. Ifany doubt whether our expofitions of Oaths and Subfcriptions be not over-feria or rigid, I pray you read the words of Dr. Sanderfon, cited by me in theend of my first Plea for Peace, and know that we nand to his rules of expofition. X. We may fuppofe that, Peeing repenting and amending is thecondition offorgivenefs, to make a Covenant in any fin that we will never repent and amend, is Ib heinous acrime, as is next to the renouncing of Pardon and Salvation : And in National guilt and danger deliberately toCovenant that we will never endeavour any amendment of the Nations fin, is next to begging Gods Curie on the Land ; e. g. If a man were aFornicator andPerjured, and the Land commonlyguilty,of the fame, he that would make a Bargain or Covenant, and that deliberately, that he will never amend, nor ever endeavour toamend the Land or anyother-- - What would you think of that mans cafe ? L. What jhould Lthipkbatt that he is a Monger and miferable Wretch ? But what's that to us ? I hope there are noire filch in C England,

( 10 England, that worfe than Witches, would fell themfelves and the Nation to the Devil. M. I pray over-run me not in the application : I do but tell you what I fuppofe we are agreed in : I fhall tell you after why I fpeak it. S.I. I alfo fuppofe that bare Poffeffion proveth not a Bifhopor Paflors right to the place and power which he claimeth : Nor is any difï'eizedof his right by being diffeized of feparable accidents. L. That's true : But what ure y.ou'l make of it I knownot. PI XII. Laffly, I muff delire you to remember, that as we profefs to flick at nothingbut fin againft God (and not things in- different as we are flandered), fo if but one of all the impofed Ads of Conformity be certainly finful, and if but one of all the Arguments which I (hall ufe do prove it fo, not only the two thou- fond that were ejecîed were bound to be Nonconforrnifis, but alfo all the Englifh Minifiry, and the Ac`t of Uniformiry (if Con- formity be fin) did vertually, though not adually, turn out all the Clergy at once, becaufe all were bound rather to reign than. L. The truer and more dreadful the confequence is, the hardlyer will I believe the antecedent, tillIneeds umft. - M You cannot expect that we affirm it : For i . We know how cautelous we mutt be in meddling with the cafe of other men : Let them judge themfelves who arecalled to it. 2.. And I toldyou before what the Law threatens, and the Canons, againft them that affirm any of the impofitions tobe finful: ; much more that (hall fo deeply accufè theLaws. 3. But fureno Law or Rea- fön forbiddeth men to fear finning againft God themfelves, nor to tell theWorldwhat it is that they fear, and why they dare not dcli . it, without accufingany other. C H A P. f?. What our orca formìty is not ? .tLI. Efore I tell you whereinour Nonconformityloth confift, I muit tell you wherein it dóth not confifi, to avoid the falfe reports that commonly go abroad againft us. And therefore I mutt premife that I pretend not to tell youthe opinion of every odd perfon that Conformeth not ; no more than 7ou juffifie all that Conform in all their opinions. I think few doubt

( II - dpubt not but than fore Atheifls, Sadducees, Infidels, Hobbifts, Socinians, if not Papifls, outwardly, Conform : Yet we charge not their errours on the Church ; and lb on the other fide. But thofe that were called by the King, and one another, 166o and 1661, to treat of Concord, and that Af embled at Sion Colledge, and elfè=;hereabout it did openly make known their minds And I think they meddlednot againft any of thefe things following, by any accufàtion of them as finful. L They never denyed theLawfulnefs of a form of Prayer or a Liturgy : Though force fal(ly fo accule them. II They denyed not the fbundnefs of the matter of Prayer, contained in the formof the Englifh Liturgy, in the main : They thought it a good. Book, and the making of it a great Reformati- on, and honoured the excellent men that made it ; but they thought it not fuch as could not or fhould not in any . ttiing be a- mended, or that all might fay was without fault. III. They thought not the lmpoftion of it .a reafon fufficient to prove it unlawful for them to ufe it werethere nomore. IV. 'They offered to ufe it when amended, and if that could not be had, they told you in their Reply, their purpoferather to Communicate in the ufeof it than not at all, and to haveufed all the lawful part themfelves if they might be fuffered in their pub- lick places andMiniftry on fuch terms. V. They never accufed the ufe of Holy dayes, as dayes of Thanksgiving to God , for giving fuch Holy Apoftles to the Church, and whofe memory we honourably commemorate. VI. They never accufed our Kneeling at the Lords Supper as un- lawful, but only the rafting Godly perfbns from Communion for not ding it, when they take it to be fin. About the Kneeling the old Nonconformifls were not of one mind ; force thought that every objeEtummotivum of Adoration was forbidden that was a Creature : But others faid that every Creature in the Worldmay be fuchan objeEl : Our Meat is objection motivumwhen we pray fora Blefling on it. If I fee the Relicts or Pitture of a Friend that I wronged while he was alive, I may well be moved by it to beg pardon of God. All his works mull move me to adore and praife him : But we may not make any Image objeEtion termina- tivum, or ad quod, towhich we direr} our Divine Worfhip, as a Medium of our fending it to God. The only great difficulty C about

E.e I2 about this isfrom the argument of fcandalous hardening the Pa- pills that live among us : Though indeed our Doftrine avoideth that ícandal. VII. They never accufed the Ceremony of laying the hand on the Book; and kitting it in taking an Oath. VIII. Theynever fpake againft. the Ring in Marriage. . IX`. Theymeddled not with the Surplice, Tippet, Hood, Ro- chet, Cope, but only the calling men out of the Minittry, that dare not ufe them, thinking themunlawful Though we juftifie them not. X. They accufednot all frghificant ufe of the Crofs, but only that in Baptifm it feemed to have all or molt of the nature of a Humane Sacrament of the Covenant of Grace, as it is expound- ed in the Liturgyand Canon. XI. They ípake not againft Epifcopacÿ, as it is a preldency among and over Presbyters differing in Degree, and not in Office, called ORDER, and that in aChurchof the loweft Species. XII. Theyoppofed not Arch4Bithops as over many fuch Chur. ches and Bithops, nor Diocefans, as Arch,Bifhops ruling but by Gods Word. XIII. 'They faid nothing againfl Metropolitans, Patriarchs, Lay-Chancellors, Commitfaries, Officials, Surrogates, Archdea- conn, d c. as Officers of the King, appointed todo nothing (be- tides the Sacred Miniftry, if they be Clergy-men) but what be- longs to Magifiracy. XIV. They faid nothing againft any promife of Obedience to them only in the capacities, and in the exercifè of the power fore- mentioned. XV. Much lets did they ever oppofe or queftion Swearing to the King, according-to the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy : And I with divers others altobeing (for fòme ends) entered as his Chaplains in Ordinary, took alfo that Oath of Fidelity which the Kings Houfhold Servants take, XVI. Wenever were for any difhonouring of Kings by pub= lick Excommunications, much lets by Subjeâs or Forreigners, whom Kings never choofe to be their Pallors ; but only in cafe of neceflity, for fuch a denyal of Sacramental Communion to them; as Bifhop Andrews in Tort. r.x Torti, and Bifhop. Iiifon plead for ; which is but to forbear our (elves a finful aft. XVII. We

(J3) XVII. Wenever pleaded for any Elders (orChancellors)'pow- erof the Keys, who arebut Lay-men. XVIII. We never held that Magiftrates are bound toadd their force by theSword, to thecenfures of the Church as fuch, and to punifh men more becaufe the Church hath by Excommunica- tion call them out, or becaufe they are not reconciled. . XIX. We never thought that things indifferent do. become un- lawful to us, becaufe theMagiftrate commandeth them. XX. We never 'held that the Scripture is a particular Rule, commanding every accident and circumftance about Gods Wor' fhip, but only a general Rule (requiring all to be done in Love and Peace, and to edification, and decently, &c.) in thofecir- cumftances which muft be forne way. determined, and God hath left to variable Humane determination : Such. as are Time, Place,. Utenfils, Tranflations, SeElions, Metres, Tunes, Methods and Words in Preaching and. Prayer, Habit, Gefture, and many fuch. XXI. We never held it, unla to do one of thefe atlions, . thongh it were by miftake unlawfully commanded.; e. g. If the Rulers prefcribe a Time, Place, Metre, Tune, &c. unfit, if it be not fo bad as to overthrow the ends and. ufe of the Worfhip,, the fault of the Commander will not difobiige us from the duty of obeying. And whereas forne argue, that no man hath authority to fin, ergo, we are not bound to obey that which is no ail of au- thority : I anfwer, Rulers have authority to command that which is good, though notin a:faulty manner ; and when we cannot do the good without the faulty manner, it is their fault and not ours :. e.. g. If an inconvenient Time, Place, Text, Tune, &c. be cho- fen, the Union and Concord which is held by agreeing in thole. Modes is necêffay : He that will not joy!) in them cannot joya in the Worfhip. So that we obey the Ruler or Guide as a de- terminer of the means of Concord, which is necefl'ary, and not fub ratione erroris, as mifietermining, though in that which is. mifdetermined. If a Mafter bid his Servant go at anunfeafonable- time about his work, it's his duty togo at that time. We never praywithout forne fault in the manner, and yet muft rather do it fo than not at all. The miftaken Ruler bids us not fin : It's his fin to choofea mifcircumflance ; and it is not his own anon that_, he bids is do,. but ours And its to us a lawful circumflance,,