Baxter - BX5202 B29 1689

,M You may eafìly knowwhat, by What is already -.laid; Y. I have fully prcved as aforefuid in my Treatife, of Epifcopacy, that if Ep iRepácy were never fo certainly of Divine `In(litution, this Form of Y iocefan Prelacy depofeth quantizr infe, the old ChurchForm, the old Epifcopacy, theold Presbytery, and almoft all true Difcii line, and in (lead of each,. fers up that which is re- nugnant to the Word ofGod. And mull v'e all confederate to maintain this Church Corruption ; and all agree. to renounce Re. fortnation, or any Conviction tending to Repentance ? 2. I have told you what it is for Lay-men and Courts to arro- gate the Decretive Power of the Church Keys ,"and for fingle Priefis and Officials to rule all the Clergy and People as under them; And for our Prelate to undertake to be the foie Bifhop over many Hundred Clergy ; And then tó Governperalios, in a mát fecular aner, even by Laymen, that do that in his Name which he knows not of , and this in order to Gaols and Ruine. If all this be agreeable to God's Word what is contrary to it? 3. I have told you what ii: is to make every' ChurchOfficer fo r.ecefäry, as that it fhould be Excommunication to fay Any one of them is fnful , when as 'Learned good Men as moll the World hath , have written to prove almoft all of them finftil corrupt Inventions ofArrogance ; and that its far worfe for Men to,prefume to make-new Forms and Offices of Church Govern- ment, than new.Ceremonies. - 4. The Parliament ofEnglund condemned thu.Oath called the er cetera Oath in the Canonof1640. And the late long Parlia- ment of 1662. never reflored it, nor any fince. And was it not formed according to this Canon? 'hat's EC-T.] but C And the reft that bear () ce therein] (reliquos ad ejufdein gubernacúluyn con- fitutos) For mypart, tho' I have oft read over Coufins Tables, and the Canons,. Ido nor yet know and remember all the Church Governing Courts and Offices ? Ho.v many there be betides the ßifhop, the Chancellors Court, . the Arches, the Prerogative Court, the Arch-deacons, Commilfaries, Officials Surrogates, I know not. And are every one of there become asnecetary to be taken forlawful as the twelve Apostles, or the Articles ofour Creed. For my part I am far from thinking that thole Lifhops and Motors íhould be Excommunicated or Damned, who by Facnare drawn to deny the Miniftry and Churches that have not