Baxter - BX5202 B29 1689

rI 19] Forms or Ceremony by this Canon , he mutt be firíl. Sut`pen-' ded , and then Excommunicate , and I mutt publifh it if required. Chap. XXXII. Point XXIX. Of the Execution of the 77th Canon. L. ]"Hat is the 57th Canon, and its Execution t l iF M. It Sufpendeth, and after a Month Excommu,. nicateth all that go for Baptifm for their Children , or Commu- nion thernfelves from their own Parifh , becaufe the Minifter is no Preacher, to another Parifh that bath a preaching Minifter. When if thefe be Paftors, and feed the Flock they had more need to drive fuch Men to Preaching Minitiers , than from them. L. But the Validity of the Sacrament dependeth not on the worthi- nett or abilityof the Minifter. M. i. But the Edification, and confequently the Salvation of Souls, bath no fmall dependance on the Ability and . Miniftra- tionof skilful faithful Paffors ; as Mens Health.and. Lives do on skilful Phyficians. And no man Ihould deny himfelf the benefit offuch that can lawfully have it , nor fhould ftarve his Soul in Obedience to Canons. If Preaching , and that foundly and skilfully, be as needlefs as fuch men pretend, why did Chrift Preach, and fend out Preachers? and why did Paul fo dreadfully charge Timothy, 2 Tim. 4. 1, 2. toPreach the Word, and beiniant- in f'eafon and out of feafon, &c. And why doth he fourge the Ephe- fian Elders, Á. 20. to imitate him that taught them publickly and from houle to houle, day and night with tears. And why'' do the Prelates make every Prieft Covenant in their Ordination to inftruO the People out of the Scripture, and with all faithful diligence to Minifter Doctrine , and teach the People with all diligence to obferve God's Commandements , and to ufe both, puhlick and private Monitions and Exhortations, as well to the lick as the whole, within their Cures, as need requite, and occaíion shall be. given. Why do they Ordain them alp to be faithful Difpenfers of the Word of God ?J Is all this done by mere Reading that which a Womaín or aBoy of '2 years old can read, as well as they ? Do thefe Men.. know what. Souls are worth? loaf