Baxter - BX5202 B29 1689

rr311 The old Nonconformifts thought that the frame of ' Ennlifh Prelatical Government was far worfe than all their Ceremonies and other Corruptions fet ' And Bucer thought to ether. They thought it a Platform fitted fo toy , when he fo Wily wrote for anether to exalt Pride and Covetoufnefs, and to propa- f'°t of Difcipline toKing gate all ungodlinefs, and to drive ferions Piety Edw. 6. and Confcience out of the Land, upon theac- counts before mentioned. i. By the largenefs of Dioce es ma- king Difcipline impoffible, and fo keeping almoft all the wicked in the bofcm of the Church , fecure from the Power of the Keys. 2. By putting downall Bithops that íhould be in all the large Diocefes , fave that one , and refraining all the Para Minifters from true' ufe of the Keys, unlefs they will be ruin'd by it. 3. By Petting up Secular Courts under the name of Eo- clfiaftick, and making it their Employment by 141 Canons, .. which are their feltmade Contrivances, to hinder and ruine la- borious Preachers, and Men of tender Confciences, and to, che- rìfl the contrary fort. 4. By putting the decretive Power of the Keys into the Power of thefe Lay -Men. 5. By letting up Paftors over all theLand without the confent of the Flock, by the meer Will and Ele Lion of Great Men and Patrons. 6. By driving unfit and unwilling perlons to eat and drink Damnation in the Sacrament. '7. By driving multitudes of good People from the. needful means of their Salvation. 8. By bringing good Men that grieve for all this, into Odium, for being a- gainr it And if this prove thecafe, I had rather lie in Gaol till Death, than Swear or Promife never to endeavour that I or any íhould repent and amend it. Do you think it not contrary to our Baptifinal Vow , in which we promife Obedience to Chi-ill to our lives end ? I read that the Ifaelites were greatly reproved for Woríhip, in the High Places, and that they leldom repented : But I read not that ever they took an Oath or Covenant never to endea` your to amend : 1 find that when If'r`.el was made to Sin by the Calvesof Dan and Bethel, that they went on and amended not: But I readnot that they Covenanted or Sware never to amend. I find that the Phár.ifees were heinous Sinners, that by their, Traditions made void the Law of God : But many of them cime to john's oh ' Baptifm , and profelfed force Repentance; and tho'