Baxter - BX5202 B29 1689

Cyj?i L. But when yeti cxnnot do it, you are bla .nettfs. M. That's true : Ent we muff do what we can : Chrif fore- told his Ministers flów they fhould be ufed, Hated Scourged, willed, and yet will have them go on to the Death. When they pertcute you in one City, Pee to another, was his charge; what we cannot do in, one place we may do in another ; and if we can - not Preach to more, we muff do it to fewer. Na Suffering will excufe us , ( much lets bare Prohibitions ) which do not difable us. L. But by this Rule , every fálenced Heretich,naaygo on, and make himfelf the ':'aadge, that he is unjuftly filenced. M. And by your Rule of.holding nothing which Men may ahufe, all good may be put down. Ufurpers may pretend that it's them that we muft obey : Muir not we therefore obey the King ? Lyers will claim belief : Muft we therefore- believe no body ? Reafon is pretended for every Errour and Wickednefs : muff -we therefore renounce Reafon ? fo falfe Teachers may Preach when they are forbidder n.uft therefore Chrifi's Mini- flers give over, becaufe Men forbid them. Did the Church do fé for 300 years ? L. Then it had no Chrifian Magifirates `? M. Have Chjiftian WLgifs ates more ri;,ht to filence the Preachingofthe Gofpel,deftroy Souls, and oppofe Chr ft's V rcrk,. than Heathens have ? 2. Were net Conftantius , Valens , Theodofrus 2d, Anaftafur , Zeno, &c. Chriftian Emperors, and yet the Bifhops went on when they forbad them : Read Bifliop Bilfon of Chrifisn Subje- tüon, and he will tell you that C;hriltian Princes are. to Prote`t hrxft's Mlmftern in their Work: : but ifthey forbid it them, they mutt go on, and fuder patiently what fhall bedone againfc them for it. L. But what need is there of your Preaching ? Have we not Mini- f ti ers enoe withoutyou? Hath not 'every Parìfh'one ? and fore fay-many Thoufaîds are-Ordainedof late that want Benefices. Whether our Miniftry be needful is matter of Fafit fo eafîly difdernable to Enlilq,men , that I think him fc:arce meet for there debates that doubteth of it, if heknow the Band. a. TheSupernumeraries that want Benefices, do not'help the needyPariíhes, but dwell in the U.nivezfties, or as Chaplains in Great Mens Noufes. to read the Common -Frayer and fcy Grace at Meat,. till a Benefice fall. te 2.. The