Baxter - BX5202 B29 1689

(35) trufteth his Confcience in the Chancellors hands, and Excom- municateth all at a venture that the Chancellor Excommuni- cateth, though he know notwhom nor why, which isagainft the Light ofNature,and thecommon Juftice of the World. 2. And it is contrary to the nature of the Paftoral Office to execute it by men of another Calling : Either it is proper to Bilhops or not ; if not, Presbyters or Lay -men may ufe it ; if yea, then none, may be deputed to ufe it, that are not Bifhop,. If the Keys and not the Sacraments may be ufed by Lay-men, then the ufe of the Keys is not proper to Paftors, but only Sacraments. But no man can give a juft reafon why Lay-men may not give the Sacraments as well as ufe the Keys. Yea indeed the Sacramental adminiftration cannot be pro- per to the Paftoral Office if the Keys be not : For theufe of the Keys is to Judge who Ihall be admitted to Sacramental communion : and if only Delivering and not Pidging to whom, be proper to the Paftor, then he is but a carrier or cryer and Executioner of Lay-mens Judgment, perhaps lowerthan the Deacon. Barely to fay over the words and do the anion,' is but anoutward Miniftration, and noaft of Power at X11. L. But it is not the Chancellor but the Surrogate that Excam- snunicateth. M. r. Ask thofe that have been much among them, howoft they have heard a Lay Civilian fay at once, [ I admonifhyou, I admonifh you, Iadmonifhyou, I excommunicate youj . z. Hypocrifie is but anaggravation of Sin : The Lay-man decreeth the Excommunication, which is the judicial at ; when they ufe a Surrogate Prieft, it is but as a hirelingSer- vant to pronounce the Decree, to mock the Church with a Formality. 3. If indeed it be the Prieft that Excommunicateth and Ab- folveth, when noBifhop is there, then they confers that the power of the Keys is not proper to a Bifhop, but may be validly ufed by a Prieft., L. But what haveyou againfi fwearing Obedience to the Bilhops themfelves, fuppofing the Canons were materially Lawful.. M. III. We have nothing againft a peaceable fubrnifhon to them, if they were proved all Ufurpers. For my part,when I the t e.oIogic2.F C2oll;:9e, think J