Baxter - BX5202 B29 1689

7 is agreed on by all real'Chriftians, that Man being mad an intelligentFree Agent , not under bruitifh necefJitatíng Determination by Objects, isgoverned by God by the .Mo- ral wayof Law;. that is by. the Signification ofhis Ruler's Will, making his Duty, andnot by meer natural or forcible Mo- tion : And it is agreed that GOD himfelf is his only abfolute Univerfal Ruler , and his Laws given in .EVature and by Reve- lation are the only Univerfal Laws, which no Humane Power can abrogate or difpenfe with : And that Kings and Magi ,/bates are his Minifiers for Mens good , and have no Power but from him, and, none againfi him or his Laws ; and that it irnot Manbut God, by whom we muff all bejudged to everlafling Reward or. Funifhment.: And therefore that all men muff obey God beforeMen, and muß not fear them that can but (ill the Body, but him who i3 able to caft both Soul andBody into Hell. And it is agreed on by all Sober Chrifiians, that therefore a.s Subjes Ma ufe their ownReafon as difcerningSelf -Governours, to fudge who is their King, and who is a Ufurper, and what A6`tions are commandedor forbidden by Man's Laws; fo ma they firft and chiefly ufe their own reafon to judge difcerningly what At-lions are commanded or forbidden by God, and m;ft do accordingly whoever is againfi it. This yudgment is :commonly: called .Confcience; which if it err not . ma be followed but if it err, it mull be rethfied for then it is not God indeed that is obeyed :. for God's. Law changeth not as Confcience doth : yet to go ,againffilcha Confcience is Sin, becaufe it is interpre- tativ'ly to go agaia God, while the Man thought this. had been God's_With, A._ On"