Baxter - BX5202 B29 1689

4 h C54 children of them, and ofall Infidels that are baptized. L. this to give us proof of undoubted certainty? They alledge alto Mar. 16. a 6. He that believeth and is bap- tiz.ed Pali be faved, what then. Ergo, all Infants that are baptized, that neither believe, nor are the feed of believers (hall be faved. This is a new Gofpcl, and no proof that the authors of it fag true. Another is 7oh. 3.3, S. Except R man be born again of mater and of the fpirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God. Doth this prove that all are born again ofthe Spirit that are baptized ? Is this proving by God's word. L. What is your other proof, that it's a fare profeffion of them that declare .Argent to this Dot rive. M 2. It is this. He that faith a thing is undoubtedly cer- tain by God's word which God's word contradiUeth, doth cer- tainly fpeak falfely. But fo loth he that rnaketh this pro- feffion. That God's word contradiEleth it, I have proved fo fully in my two Difputations of original fin , and my Treatire ofInfant Baptifm, andMethodu Theologie, that I mull not here repeat it, viz.. by abundance of plain Texts "that appropriate the Covenant-bleflings to the Faithful and their Seed, and exclude or curfe the feed of the wicked , at leaít as out of the Covenant of God : I will now repeat but one. r Cor. 7. 14. E!fe wereyour children unclean, but now are they holy. If the children of Infidels are not holy but unclean, they have no right to the promife of Life, or to the Seal and Inveítiture by Baptifm. But, C 'c. Ergo. I know Dr. Hammond will have Holinefs here to be nothing but [the Church ureth to baptize fach on prefumption that they will be educated to Chrift.ianity : ] and uncleannefs t o be but [the Churches ufe to refufefuel), fuppofing they will not be fo educated. And fo that the Seed of the Faithful have no fpecial promifeof pardon and life. But, z . I have as aforecited and to Mr.Tombes proved many fach promifes to the Seed of the Faithful, which Divines fhould not unthankfully like Anahaptiíts deny. z. And I ask fuck Doctors what baptifm doth for the In- fants at prefent and cn what account? Doth it put them in