Baxter - BX5202 B29 1689

( 63 ) upon the Parents Death or Refignation. For T. If you fay it is the Faith of the Church (as fome) that giveth the Child Title, what Church mean you ? The Univerfal, or National or Diocefan or Paróchial. And how doth the Church give right to Pardon and Life to Infidels Children. Ifit be meer- ly volendo, as if Heaven wereat their Will, why do they not fit at home, and make a deed of Gift of Heaver to the In- fants at the Antipodes and of all the World: If it be by bap- tizing them, I fhewed before that Baptifm meerly as fuch, doth it not. And if it be the Will of the Baptizer theymuff mean the Prieft, Deacon or another :. And to fay that thefe are the Terms ofInfant Title to Baptifm and Salvation, that. ifthe Priefts will they fliall be baptized and faved ; ór elfe not, feemeth a NewGofpel. 2. But it feems with us it is the God- fathers that give them Title, elfe the Church could fave them when they will with- out Godfathers And if fo, where is the proofof it, in Scrip- ture or Reafon, that God willaccept and fave Infants bccaufe; a meer Neighbour will bring them to be baptized, and Iíro mifeth to bring them up well if they live. It is fiippofed . that thefe Sponfors own not the Children, and how come they then to have the power to be their Reprefentatives,a and to difpofe of their Souls ? L. But any Beggars Child hash right to be taken intoyour houfel, if you are fo Charitable as to do it ? And fo much ° right to Baptifm andSalvation by it, Chriß bath given to all. M. Where is that deed of -Gift to be found. Is it not a Forgery ? He hath made aCovenant to the Faithful and their Seed. But where bathhe faid, I will faveall Infidels Children,,. if-any Prieft or Chriftian will but Baptize them ? He that fáid. Go to the high-Mayes and hedges and compel them to come in, ex. cepted the Refufers, and requirednone but perfwading coca- pulfion : And its Parents that have power of their Children He that can believe today that God hath made a Gift of Sal- vation to all Infants that any body will baptize, mayeafily believe to morrow that he will not caft away the refit meerly becaufe noCarrier will bring them in, or becaufe no body will . waíh them and fay over them the words of Baptifme. God bath made even in the SecondCommandment, and in Exod.