Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

ofScripture a fin or a duty contrary to the doRrine or commands of our Guides, muff be regarded in that before them ; and the evidence anddivineverity which he bringeth muff not be refiafed, becaufe ChurchGovernors are againf it. Otherwife we fhould make Gods Officers tobe greater then himfelf; and the Promulgators and Preachers of his Law, tohave power to null or fruftrate the known Lawwhich they fhould proclaim,and that the means is to b' preferred before the end,and when it deftroyes the end, and fo ceafeth it felf to be a means,which are things not to be imagined. Prop. 13 . ret is it agreat fan for anymen lightlyand rafhly to fufpeEt their Teachers and Rulers, and muchmore Councils or the whole Church ; and toougly to credit the fingular opinions of any private manor direnting Tenti Paflor. But we fhould be very fufpici- ous of the private man rather and of the fingularman ; and therefore fhould fcarch well, and fee good reafon for it before we credit them, though we may not refufe any truth which they (hall bring. Prop. 14. The fifes ofSynods or Councils, is not direElly to be fuperiour Governours of particular Rafters and Churches ; bat it is DireElly i. For the Informationand Edificationof the Pa- "firs themfelves by the collation oftheir realms andmutual advice ; z . For the Onion and Communion ofthe farad Tailors, and ofthe particular Churches by them: that they may agree in one, and go hand in hand ro do Gods work ; and fo may avoid the croffingand hindering ofeachother, and one may not receive thofe to communion without fatisfatlion, who areexcommuni- cated by others;and fo that by chis concordof Paftors they may be ftrengthened toa more,fuccefsfull performance oftheir duties. But then,thefe Direri ends ofSynods being_pref'ppofed, Indi- direElly they may truly be faid to be for Government ; Becaufe God in general having commanded us to carry on his work as much as we can in Unity and Peace, and it being the proper work ofCouncils to agree upon wayes of Unity, it followeth that for Unityfake it becomes our duty to fubmit to their ¡lift Agreements; and fo that the formingof fuel: Agreements or Ca- nons,is confequentlyor Indire&ly a part of Governmenc,though Direály it is but for Unity and Concord. Paftors in Synods have the farnepower over their people as they have out: and therefore whatCanons they make juftly for theGovernment of the peopfr as