Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

(.6L their fa&, havenothing that we can fee for it, but an unground cd furmife, was the Apotiles meaning that the firft Bifhóps fhould fo do : But we have the Apoliles exprefs Inflitution,and the Churches pradifeduring Scripture times, for theother way. We doubt not but Chriítians in the beginning were thin, and that the Apofiles therefore preachedmo(lyand planted. Churches in Cities becaufe they were the molt populous places,where was moft matter to work upon , and mo..t disciples were there; and that the Country round about did afford them here and there a family which joyned to the City Church : Much like as it is now among us with the ä. nabaptifts and Separatifts , who are famed,to.befo Numerousand potent through the Land , and yet I do not think that in all this.County, there is fo many in Num- ber of either of thefe feásas the tenth part ofthe people of this one Parifh ; "nor perhaps as the twentieth part. Now ifall the Anabaptifts in worcef#elhire or at leaft that lived fo neer ás to becapable ofChurch communion fhould be or Mr. T's. Congregation at,Beordley , or of a Church that met in the ,chief City Worcefer;yetdothnot this intimate that all the fpace of ground in this County is appointedor intended for the future .as Mr. ,T's. Diocefs; but if thefucceffve Paftor.fhould.claim the wholeCounty as his charge, lithewhole were turned to that opinion , nodoubt but they would much crofs their founders mind. And (ifthecompari.fon may be tolerated ) we feegreat .reafon to conceive that. the Ancient-Bithops did thus crofs the poftles minds. . When there were no more Chriftians in a City rod theadjoyning parts, then half force of our Parifhes, the Apoftles planted fxedGovernours calledBithops orElders over thefepart clar Churches, .which had ,conftantcommunion in the. ,worfhip ofGod : And when theCitiesand Countreyes werecon- e7erted to the faith, the frailtyof ambition co-working thereto, thefe ßifhops did claim all that fpace ofground for their Diocefs where the members oftheir Church bad livedbefore; as ifChur- .ches -were to -be meafured by theacres of Land,and not by the ra mber offottls;whereas they fhould have doneas the Bee -hives ,4o,, ;.when they are ready to fwarm,fo that theold hive cannot ,coitain themall,thefwartn removes and reeks them another habi Lion, andmakes them a Newhive of their own. So when a .,,Cifurc-h grows, bigenough for two Churches, one ,part fhould xemove