Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

( 7 ) (ands, would have afforded them one fuch; if it hadbeen re- quifite. But fecondly, its pretendednot to have been Neceffary, be- caufeof the fewnefs of the people. But I anfwer, r . The fame perlons fay that in Ignatius his time all - Churches had fuch Pref_ byters t And its manifest that many Churches in the Scripture time,, were more populous or large, then many or molt betide them were in Ignatius time. 2.Did the numerous Church at 7e- rssf4lem ordinarily meet on the Lords dayes for holy communion, or not ? If they did, then it was but a Church ofone Congre.. .gation ( which is by moll denyed) If not, then the feveral Af= femblies mutt have feveral Presbyters ( for feveral Bithops they will not hear of,) Doubtlels theydid not celebrate the holy com- munionofthe Chu.,eh and Ordinances of God, by weer 'Lay- men alone. 3. What man that knows the burden ofPaftoral Overfight,can fay that fuchChurches ofchoufands,as 7ersafalem, Rome, Alexandria, d,-c. had needof no more than one man, to Teach them, anddo all the Patioral work ? and fo that afli)?ing Ruled Presbyters were then needlefs? Ifthey wereneedlefs to fuch numerous Churchesthen ; let us even take them for reed. .lets í1i11, and fet up nonew orders which'were not feen in Scri- pture tinges. Real. $. The Apoflles left it not to the Befhhops whom they ;lïeafon;S' efl.tblifhed to make new Church-offices andorders quoad fpeciem, Out only to ordain men to fiacceed others in the offices and orders that tbemfelve: bad (by the infpiration ofthe Ghofi)appointed, or elfeChriJ,t before them. A. Bithop might make a.Bilbop or aDea- conperhaps, becaufe thele werequoadJpeciemmadebefore, and they were but to put others into the places before appointed. But if there were no fuch creature in Scripture times as a rrb- jef1 Presbyter, that had no power of Ordination and Jurifdic`tion, then if the Bithops afterward fhould make fuch they muff make a new office, as well as anew officer. So that either this new Presbyter is ofthe inftitution ofChrift by his Apollles,or of pifcopal humane inftitution. if the former, andyet not inflict'. ,tuted in Scripture times, then Scripture is not the fufñcient rule and difcoverer of Divineinfliturions and Church Ordinances: and if we once forfake that Rule, we know not where to fax,but mull wander in that Romaneuncertainty. If the latter,thenwe muft