Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

(98 ) five good Bishops and Churches at this day, even when the, whole Nation profess themfelves to be Chriflians ( which then they didnot,) To this purpofe runs the 14. Canon Concilii Agath. ( and if it were fo then, much more long before ) [ Sigt2is etiam extra P. rochial ingatibus legitimus eft ordinariufq, conventos oratorium h.berevoluerit relrquis feflivitatibus, set ibi Miffam audiat, prop- ter fatige tionem familie, juft t °rdinatione permittimus. Pafcha vero, Natali Domini, Epiphania, flfcenfone domini, `Pentecofte, Natali SanE i Johannis Baptif ae, & jgrai maximedies in fe- ffivitatibur habentur, on nil in Civitatibus, aut Parochiis au- diant ] Here it appeareth that there was but one legitimus ordi- narsufq; conventos in a Parifh ; though they tolerated an Orato, r`y of Chappellofcafe. And that a Parifh here is taken for a Di- ocefs, or fuch a Church as had proper to it feifa Bifhop and Pref- byterie, as it is probable from the ordinary use of the word by Ensfebius and other ancients in that fence, fo alto from what is further Paid in the following Canons ofthis Council : And fo the wordParish here may be expofìtory of the word City, or else de- note a Rural B.fhoprick For Can. 30. faith [Benediltionem fnper plebem in Ecclefiâ fondereant panitentem in Ecclefia benedi cere presbyter° penitus non licebit. ] And ifa Presbyter maynot blets thepeople or the penitent , ( when the bleffing ofthe peo- ple was part ofthe work in every Solemn Affembly for Church communion) then it is manifehh that aBitllop muti beprefenc in every fuch Affembly to do that part which the Presbyter might not do: and cónfequently there wereno more fuch Affemblies then there were Bithops. And to prove this more fully mark the very next Canonof that Council, viz. the 3 I. [ Miffas die dorñinico fecularibos total ¿ udire f peciali ordine pracopimiss, ita sat ate benediEtio em Sacerdotis egredi populist non prefumat. aloil fifecerint, ab Epifcopopublicé confundatur ] So that its plain thaton everyLords dayall the people (forhere is no difiin Rion or limitation) were to be pret'erit in the publick worfhip to the end y and the Bithop to pronounce the bleffing (whoever preached )" and opehly to rebuke any that should go out before it. Fromwhence it is evident thátall filch Church Affemblies fbrcòttìmunion every Lords day were to have a Bishop pre- ant with theta to do part of the work : and therefore there were