Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BX5151 .B3 1659

( 391) fogreat as is commonly known ? ManyChurches had no ring- ing of Pfalms ( Yid. Cyprian. de Orat. Dom.. Not.6.) Ochers,ufed it by the whole ..Affemblies ( fee Ball's_Friendly Tryal, page 6ö. citing the Authors that attell it ) Other Chur- ches did ufe to ling by courfe, or two at a time. ( Seeit proved by Eul"libid. out of many witneffes.) This variety and much moreconfi{fed then withUnity; and maydo. now, When forced uniformitywill not. 6.. We are all now at Liberty what Ge- fturewe will ufe in ringing Pfalms, 0.e. and is here äny difcord hence arifing ? But menwere forced to kneeling only in. Recei- ving the Lords Supper, and there came in difcord. Mens fan- cies makes that . teem confufionthat is no fuch thing. No more then that all that hear or pray, have not the fame coloured cloaths, complections, exa. Obje&. 8. Butfhuuld not risen obey authority in forms and Obje& S. matters of indiferency ?" Anfw. They Mould, if they be indeed indifferent. But (houldAuthority therefore enfnare the Church with needlefs Im onions ? All men will not be fatisfied of the Indifferency. , Ihave heard many fay that they would . preach iirr a fools Cap and Coat if authority command theme 'But`is it therefore fit that Authority Mould command it ? All menwilt nôt judge it lawfull toobey them in fuch cafes) and fo-there will be needlefs fnàreslaid ro intrap and divide men. Objeet 9., fiat ant qos ty is, for let, farms, 'arid therefore No (me& 9; velty, mini net bepermitted to exclude them Anfr. i . Let Scripture be the Rule for deciding this ;which is the chief witnefs of- A itigii t : and let the olden way pre- vail. 2. Forms were at firlt introduced in Variety, and not as neceffaryfor the Churches Unity to Agree inone And they were left to the, Parlors Lib ty .arid the were forced to any forms of others meas compol g: When B f l fet up his Nevis forms of Pfalmodie and other. Worfïip;' which the Church of Neocæfarea Were fo offended at, he did not for all that impofe it on them,, but was"content to inhis Church at `'fares. Obje&, i Q. No man cart now fay what is the wor(hip of God Oblea. To, Brnobg us becanfe there is no Liiurgy, but its mutable as every'per fon pleafes... Anfw. We have a Liturgy, and are ag~eed in all the parts of worship. To have forms or no forms is no part of ír, bu a cir- cumftance or mode. TH E.