Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

(i52) 3. Remember I pray you, that its not the words, but the fenfe that you except againft. Do not you except hereafter againft the Paying that ( we are Juftified by works, and not by faith only ] as ?awes loth; but againft the ill fenfe that you can prove to be put upon the words. Treat. pag. 238. Laftly They are forced to add to the Apofile; for they fay , Work; juffifie as the Condition of the Gofpel, which the Apoftle doth not (peaka Word of. 4nfw. r . We fay not that lams calls them a condition;there- fore we add not to him as his. 2. Every Expofition and application is an addition of ano- ther fort, but not as of the fame. 3. I ufe not the alive phrafe that work!ju/life, agreeing fo far with you , who note a difference between thefe fayings, Faith juffifeth, and we are jaJtsfied6y faith : for all that Mr. Blake defpifeth the obfervation which perhaps he would fcarce have done, if hehadknown that you hadbeing guilty of it alto. 4. Scripture fuppofeth Grammer, Logick, Phyficks, &c. _and nomore is to be expe&ed from it but its own part. If yamei tell you that we are juftified by works, hedoth not fay that chlut.G7ta is averb, and epyv is a noun, and fo of the reft; but he war- ranted) you to fay fo without anyunjuft addition,fuppofinf that Grammer fo call them ; If the Scripture fay, thatGod cre- coed the Heavens and the earth,it doth not fay here in terms, that Godwas the efficient caufe : but it warranteth you to fay fo if it fay, that Chrift dyed for us, and was a Sacrifice for our fins, and bath obtained eternal redemption for us ; yet it faith not that he is the meritorious caufe, or the material caufe of our Juftification : But it will warrant you to fay fo, without the guilt of unjuft additions. If you may fay as a Grammarian and a Logitian, when you meet with fuch words in Scripture, `l'hefe are Paronyma , and thefe Synonyma and thefe Homonyma, and this is an univerfal, that a fingular, that a particular, and.that an indefinite ; this is an efficient caufe,that a material, formal or anal ; this is a noun, that a verb,theother a participle