Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

(250). ` we be fit Preachers and Patterns of meeknefs and humility to our people, who are fo notoriouflyproud, that we can fcarce be fpoke to ? My knowledge of your eminent humility and gentelnefs bath made me alto the freer in my fpeeches here to you which therefore doneed more excufe then yours : And I accordingly intreat you,if any thinghave palled that is unman- nerly , according to the natural eagernefs and vehemency of my temper, that you will be pleafed co excufe what may be excufed, and the reft to remit and cover with love, ofwring your felfit proceeds not from any diminution of hishigh efteem of, you,and love to you, who acknowledgeth himfelf unfeigned- ly fo very muchbelow you, as to be unworthy tobe called Torsi' fella o -frrva t: RICHARD BAXTER.... June 28.1650. .Kederminfter, d'offerlpte