Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

Otis : and Either fignifieth Chrifts procurement of our juffi- cation,or ours : in the former fenfe i grant as aforefaid ; there Types thew us that Chrift only as Prieft and facrifce Both fa- tisfie for us. But as to the procuring Inrereft of our faith, thefe Types thewus not that on/y this act procured] our Intereft. Nor is there a word in the texts youmention to proveany filch thing; fo.I. that,Chrift the Lamb of Godta/Zethatt -j thefin of the world, 3 but it Both not fay that only b, lievrig in film as the Lamb ofGod is the faithupon which we.have part in his blood. andare ¡unified by him. i Per. i ; 18 tell us we were Redeemed by bis precious blood; but it doth not tell us that only believing in that blood is the faith by which we have inter& in it;bu con- trarily thus defcribes that faith,ver. a i . L who by bins do bnieve inGod that raifed himfrom the dead,andgavehim glory, thatyour freak) and hope might be in God. `I 2. Cor. 5. 2 a . tells us that be 1es madefinfor us, &c. but it faith not that our believing thus much only,is the full conditionof our Inrereft in his Righteouf- nefs;Sut contrarily expreffeth it by[ our oWn being reconciled to God ] CO which 'Taul exhorteth. Thirdly, The Types whichyou mention, were riot all the Gof- pel (or Covenant of Grace, or Promife ) then extant If there- fore there were any other parts of Gods word then that led them toReceive Chrift entirely as the Mefah, and particular- ly as the Kingand Teacher of his Church, and promifedlife and pardonon this condition, your Argument then from the Types alone is vain ; becaufe they were not the whole word'( unlefs you-prove that they exclude the reft, which you never can.) .And indeed not only the very firft promife of the feed of the woman,&c.doth hold out whole Chrift as Prieft,andProphet and King, as the object of juftfying faith, but alfo many and many another in the old Teftament.And the Epiftle to the He6retWs which you cite, doth begin with his Kinglyoffice as the obje& ofbur faith in the two firft chapters, which are almott all taken up in proving it. Fourthly, you confefs your felf that Chrift as Interceding is the objed of ¡undying faith; and if you mean it of his Flea- venly interceition that was nopart of his meritorious obedi- dience or humiliation .ìts true indeed, that it is for the applica- ton