Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BT770 .B39 1670

The Life of Faith. uncharitable, and yet will call your felves Believers, you may keep the name, and fee whether it will Pave you. Have you forgotten how this cafe is det<rmined by the holyGhoft hint. Pelf, 7awes2. r 4, &c. What Both it profit my Brethren, ifaman fay, he bath faith, and barb not works ? Canfaithfave him ? Faith if it bath not works is dead, being alone. Thou believ b that there is one God : thou doff well: the Devils al fo believe and tremble. If fuch a belief be it, that thou glorieft in, it's notdcnyed thee ! But wilt thou knew,' oh vain matt, that faith without works is dead? &c. Is there life where there is no motion ? Had you that Faith that is inftead offer, it would make you more felicitousfor the things unfeen, than you arc for the vifible trifles of this world. 2. And hence you may obfcrve, that moff true B lievers are weak in Faith. Alas, how far do we all fall fhort of the love, and zeal, and care, and diligence, which we fhould have if we had but once beheld the things which we do believe ? Alas, howdead are our affe6tions ? how fiat are our duties? how cold, and how flow are our endeavours ? how unpro fì °able are our lives, in comparifon ofwhat one hours fight of Heaven and Hell would make them be ? O what a comfcrt- able convene would .it be, if I might but joyn in prayer, praife, and holy conference one day or hour, with a perfon that had fern the Lord, and been in Heaven, and born apart in theAngelical Praifcs ! Were our Congregations compofed of fuch perrons, what manner of worfhip would they perform to God ? Howunlike would their heavenly ravifhing exprcf- fions be to thefe our (leepy heartlefs duties ? Were Heaven open to the viewof all this Congregation while I am fpeaking to you, or when we are fpeaking in prayer and praife to God, im igineyour felves what a change it would make upon the b:ft of in in our fetvices ! What apprehenfions, what affe- &ons,what refolutions it would raife I and what a pc ftureit would caft us all into i And do we not all profefs to believe thefe things, as revealed from Heaven by the infallible God? Do we not fay, that filch a Divine Revelation is as lure as if the things were in themfelves laid open to our fight? Why. . then are we no more affefted with ¡hem ? Why are we no more tranfpùrtcd by them,? Why do they no more command D our