Baxter - BX1763 B28

C) to be fo far agreed; in fueh little things : ;,3ut your craft put in thelaving wordnext, [ andfprinLling himfelfwith a little Holy water he is as freefrom allfpot as a new Bap- tizedInfant.] Anfin. They fay, No Maxi wrongeth bimfel f : You may lay a falte Charge agàinft your fèlf that you may the eafier deny it ; There muil be fomewhat more than Holy water, elle what need of Attrition and Confeßîon, and Penance, if it pleafe the Prieí}, or Commutation ofPe- nance ? what need the Crufado's to have killed fó many thoufands of the walden(es and Albigenfes to procure the pardon of their fins (Odreadful way to pardon ! ) What room for Pilgrimages, fatisfaftions, or for Purga- tory, or for Malfes tobe laid for the Souls in Purgatory, or for praying to theVirgin Mary, and abundance fuch, ifHoly water alone would do all the Bufinefs ? Was not he much overfeen, or did grofly prevaricate, that drew up this Charge ? Might I but chufe myAdverfaries Ad- vocate, and agree with him to fay nothing but what I can difprove, I would certainly have the better, and be juftified. VII. The next part is, [And asfor his o.yedience to Ma- gifrates, if they be not of his Religion, he owes them no allegiance : And if he have by Oath obli,;ed himPelf, he has a holy Father can difpenfe with him for that, or any other Oath, for a piece of Money : If his Prince perfecute him for his Religion,let himbut have fo much defperate cou- rage its to facrifive his own life toflab or poyfon hisPaidPer- fecutor, he (hall at Rome be canonized for a Saint : Nor can private Perfons expetl anyfidelity fromhim,, when he is thus traiteroufly rebelliosu again; his Liege Lord andSo- veraign, &c.] 4nf Now I perceive you are over bold, and do too hardly