Baxter - BX1763 B28

(87 ) VI. Your next art is,[.H'e makes Gods of--fnful men : maketh lets fcrtsple of violating Gods Leers, than he clothany Ordinance oftbe Pope, or any Lin. (Ibis Church. Anf. That one word [any] is either the falfhood of your Acculer, or the craft of the Clack that drew up the Inditement : And I think it mould not be drawn up of thefe Laws compared formalizer, but materialiter : For Icannot thinkyou fo unreafonable, as to think that the Pope is above God ; but that when you cart away God's Laws to keep the Pope's, it is becaufe you think that thePope hath power to change and abrogate God's Laws, or diCpenfe with them ; or that you are bound to believe that it is none ofGods Law, if the Pope fay it's hone : For Inftance, r. I know that you caft away Chrift's Lawfor receiving his Body andBIood, the Cup as well as the Bread in the Sacrament : But why you do fo, I am no Judge. 2. I know that youbreak the Second Commandment, andufually leave it out ofthe Decalogue too : But why you do it, I amno Judge. 3. I know that the Pope and his approved General Council at Laterane make a Law agaiuft Gods Law for obedience to the higher powers, and this Papifts pro- fefs to receive as part of their. Religion: But on what reafons you do it, I leave to you. You Inftance [ If he commit Fornication it to but a ve- nial sin] Do You hold that any of your approved Councils have defined it tobe a Mortal Sin ? If fo, I hope you will take thole for Heretical that think it is not al- Ways fo I refer you toMr. Cl rkfops Practical Divinity aforefaid, and the Jefuites Morals. But doubtlefs all of you have not the fame Judgment either of Fornication or Murder, (as is thereproved; ) -fOr ióù are not bound to