Baxter - BX1763 B28

(14s) xvm. The Pope profeffeth the fallibility of General Councils; but that he is infallible himfelf. The firif is proved by his reprobating many. For the fecond, faith Leo Io. in Bull. cont. Luth. in Bin, p. 655. t" The holy Popes our predecef fours never erred in their Canons and Conflitutions.] XIX. They hold this gift of infallibility to le byfuper_ naturallnfpiration, beyond all naturalfaculties andmeans; even to men that cannot Reador have no Learning, at leIt none in the Text ofScripture, tojudge offach Texts, the trapfl ation andexpo/itionofthem. That they pretend to be Judges in Controverfies de fide, I need not prove : Nor that fome have been Lads; and force Men unlearned, as Iproved before of Greg. 6. Their own Hitlories agree in this. XX. Though the Decrees of General Councils be their very Religion, and pretended immutable, the Pope pre- tendeth to a Power to change them. (And yet they pre- tend that all is old and from their forefathers.) Both thefe foregoing parts are proved, by Pope 3u- liris 2. in his General Council at the Laterane with their approbation, Monitor. cont. Prag. Sanc`l. Bin. Vol. 4. p. 560. [" Tbough the Inffitutions offacred Canons, " holy Fathers, and Popes of Rome-- and their Decrees "bejudged immutable as made by Divine Infpiration, yet " thePope of Rome, who though of unequ ,1 merits, hold- " eth theplaceof the Eternal Icing, and the Maker ofall "Things and all Laws on Earth, may abrogate thefe "Decrees when they are abufed. XXI. By thefame pretended Power he changeth Chrijls own Inflituted Sacrament, even in the fabflance of it, de- nying all the Laity the cup; while they condemn all that will not believe that the ; wine is turned into his very. ;blood; And he that eateth not the Fle(h of Chrifl, and drinketh