Baxter - BX1763 B28

(1 ) Society of Chriftians : And he that yet believeth not that chrft is truly chrif, cannot believe that chrifiians are truly chriflians, fave de nomine; nor that Chrifl hath a Church: For theyare Relatives, as wife andHusband. 4. They believe the Infallibility and Authority of the Church, that is, the Pope and council, before they be- lieve that yefus is the Chrif ; For they profefs to believe in him, becaufe ofthe faid Churches Authority and In- fallibility : And the Preludes go before the Conclu fion. 5. Theybelieve the faid Infallibility andAuthority of the Church, before they believe that ever chrifl gave them fuch Authority and Infallibility : For they cannot believe that Chriíl gave it them, before they believe that there is a thrift, and a wordofgift. And now is not here a Riddle hard enough topofe the wifeft ? which way do all thefe Believers, through all the world, come to know that the Pope andCouncil, or Church, are authorized and infallible, before they believe that chrifi ever gave it them? which way do they think that they came by it? Let him unriddle it that can. 6. They believe thus in the Pope, before they know what a Pope is, or who is he that theymuff thus believe in. For alas, how can all or any in the world know what is neceffary tomake aPope ? what EIeclion ? what Ordina- tion? what Qfalification? andwhether the man had all thefe ? And ofdivers Pretenders which is he that hath the proofs of a true title ? 7. They believe thus inCouncils, when they know not what Councils are true, andwhat not ; nay. whether ever there were any: For I have elfewhere fully proved that there never was any, nor ever will be, that are truly Univerfal as to all theChrifianWorld. Y 2 8. Much