Baxter - BX1763 B28

( 174 ) truth propofed (the Spirit co-operating) before they knew of any Authority of theApoffles ; much lets before they heard what they faid in a General Council, or what was theVote of the Univerfal Church; or what any Pope faid as Ruler of the reff. There things are very plain and fure, and they that will be wilfully blinded by fadion, and prejudice., and worldly intereff againff plain truth, have no excufe if they perish in darknels. II. A PAPIST (of this fort) is one that believethi that the Pope of Rome is the rightful Governour of all the world; that is, that all Chriflians immediately, and ail in- fidels and Heathens mediately, are bound by God to obey him, <ps Chrifls Vicegerent on Earth : And that he, with his Council, is thus an Univerfal Lawgiver and Tteige to all Kings, States, and Perfons, that dwell round about the Earth. But a Proteffant denyeth this, and holdeth that there is no Univerfal Monarch, or Legiflator, to all the world, but God and our Saviour ; and that he hath made no fuck Vice-Chrift, or Vicegerent ; and that T uch a Claim is HighTreafon, as ufurping his Prerogative. And that if Pride had not in tantum made them mad, no men could think themfelves thus capable of Governing all the World. Proteffants believe that there is no fúch thing on Earth, as an Univerfal Church headed by any mortal Head, Pope or Council, but that Chuff is the only Univerfal Governour or Head. III. This Papifl is one that holdeth, that the church of Chrifl on Earth is no bigger than the Popes Dominion, and that it is neceffary to fatvation to be ful jecl to the Pope ; and confequently he unchurc'eth two or threeparts of the Chriflian world, and damneth moft of the Sods of Chrifl, and robbeth him of the greatefl part of his Kingdom, s far