Baxter - BX1763 B28

(30 ) than theAhaf 'nes, Creeks, and others, may build on as well as you 5 and that we our felves have a far furer'and Univerfal Tradition than the Papacy bath, andhave your own content to every word of our Objeaive Religion, I nowproceed to confider of your Character of Parties.. C H A P. IL Y0 U defcribe to us four fuppofed Parties. I. ThePu- ritan. II. The Prelatical Prote,'"ant, ( Whom your ;Fitz-Simmons calleth, TheFormalifl.) III. ThePapi/i, as you fuppofe us fal fly to defcribe him. IV, ThePxpifl, as you fuppofe him truly dejcribed, whom you call rhe Apofiolical chriftian. Ïn all which you fbew that you are far from Infallibility, and a man unfit for your Relations to truft in fo great a Cafe. I. .I confefs you give the Puritan a very laudable de- fcription; in comparifon of the Prelatifi Proteflant, and the feignedPapi¡l. And you tell us, that you V. ere once a Puritan your felf, and you own frill that which you de- fcribe as Pur'itanifn, only adding Popery to it, which you think it wants. I confefs you fpeak incomparably rn:re honourably and charitably of Puritans, than Tome ma- licious intereffed Perlons, of their ownProtefrant Pro- feflion will do. But, 1. 'You deal not informingly, in your defcribing a Pu- ritan, before you dijiingiaiJh that .am"ig;aortis ill-made word. It hàth three common 'acceptions. among us at leaft. Fi.rlt, The ancienteg; iis it fgñifiet;h the old or later: Catharys,