Baxter - BX1763 B28

( 3 s ) Cat1-arifis, who held that they vrere perfeLt , ( if they are not belyed : ) And none come nearer thefe than the Pa- :pifl:s and Quakers, certainly Protefiants are far from it. Secondly, the oldNon-conformifis had the nameofPu- ritanes put on them, by thofe that were again(} them For what reafon, . I leave them to anfwer to God. Thirdly, and becati e thefe Non-conformi, fls lived f ri _ ly, and were for much preaching, and praying, andholy conference, and (pending the Lords-day in holy lixerca-. fes, and ferious diligence in working out our Salvation:. andwere fharp againft- drunkennefs,..fwearing, and fuch other fins, therefore the vulgar Rabble of vicious ones, that chuff nöt rail atPiety under the name ofPiety, took the advantageof the Bifhaps difpleafure at the Ikon-con- formifis, and of the name Puritan, andput that name upon ál1 Chrifiians among them, that were notablyTeri_ .v.. in: praeiical Godlinefs, perfwading'themf'elvcs. that they were all but Hypocrites : And fo the name aïn'oi g the vulgar Rabble grew common togodly Goaformifis and IVon-conformigs._ And a's'iflorend,,m cum vulgo had been a Law, by this:: means 'the Devil did rnoré hurt' both to godlirdeÍ.ç `(; rendring it.among the:vulgar to be but odious Flyp. en li,e arid-Singularity ) and to È`'( tna:king .Mulritudes. that difliked. the wickednefs of the Rabble, to think that all this came from the Bifhops, ) and it did more to advance and*hónour the,: ván-coi' rmiflr, ( be- caufe the name was formerly theirs as fiieli ) than by any one thing that I:remember in: all myvoungèr days. This the godly Conformifl .gr evauflÿ comptairiecfi of,., (.as.`Bifhop Donmaine i"r his`SpittleSermon cabled rya barns Orval ` and ..Robew,Naltoo, who faith', that he ibeiieiiiitkth4t,niveifp06r perfrcutedwordpii féd t-h^otO `tfe mouths ofwicked Alen with more bitter fcor,. (free Via- lie-