Baxter - BX1763 B28

(48 ) againíf the Covenant, andnever took it ; and fome that have been Souldiers for theKing, and fuffered forhim: Yea fo confiderable is the number of them that are Epifce- pal, that in I66o. when theKing called them to treat in order to agreement, they offered him no other Form of Church Government, thanA. Bifhop Ufher's Redu7ion, in whichnot a Pin of Honour, nor one Farthingof their Re- venue was defired tobe taken from Archbifhops, Bifhops, Deans, Archdeacons ; but only the Parifh Minifters ena- bled under them, tohave done fomewhat more that be- longeth to their Office, inftead ofLay-Chancellors, &c. Mot Non-conformifts of my acquaintance would be glad of the terms contained in the Kings Declaration about Ecclefiaftical Affairs, where Bithops and Archbiiliops are left as rich and high as theywerebefore : Sofar are Non- conformifts [Epifcopal Proteftants.] 2. And though Conformity be very muchchanged from what it was heretofore, Epifcopacy is not. And I muff tell you, that I do not think that the Chriftian World bathmore godly learned worthyMinifters, than many of the Epifcopal were heretofore. Do youknowwhat men Bifhop jewel, A. Bifhop Grindall, and many more of old were ? And A. Bifhop vJher, Bifhop Hell, Bifhop Dave- nant, and many more of late ? Who hath writtenmore earneftly andhotly for Epifcopacy, thanBifhop Downame (who wrote the great LatineBook to prove the Pope An- tichriff ;) yet who that knewhim did ever queftion his piety or diligence ? And if you look to the old Confor- mablePresbyters, read theirBooks, and enquire of the Livesof manyof them, and thenconfefs that they were better men and better Preachers thanyou defcribe. Per- rufe the Writings of Mr. 17ob. Bolton, william tvhateley, William Fenner, Dr. Prelim, Dr. Sibbes, Dr. Stoughton, Dr.