Baxter - BX1763 B28

( Dr. moue, Mr. rhotn« Gataker, Mr. 'Crack, and 4.10- dançe of filch others, and enquire ,how they laboured and lived, andyou mayhear that theywere neither fuck Parrots nor prophase ones as you mention. There may be force proportionable alteration fuppo- fed to be nowmade in the perfons of the Conformitis, anfwerable to that which is made in Conformity it felf: But furely, if youknowLondon, and many Miles near it, and many Parithes in the feveral Counties, you mutt confefs that now there are many Learned, Pious Confor- mifts; who Preach 2ealonfly, and live religioufly, and hate Covetoufnefs and Perfecu Lion, and long to fee the promotingof Piety, Peace, andConcord. , But if you expeC`t a better Vindication of them, I mutt delire you to confider of two things. i. That in molt Countries and Ages the worldliefi men (that is, the wort) have 'been the greedief ftrisers and feekers for Church-Power and Preferments , and he that feeketh molt diligently is the likelieft to find: And that ordinari. ly. the Vulgar do dance after the Pipe of him that is up- perrnoft, and will be of the Religion of them that can help or hurt them, be it what it will be Moft will be of the Religion which is owned by Law, or counte- nanced by the Greateft, be it right or wrong. In the belt Countries, the inoft are too bad : And bad men will have ,a profpering Religion, and not one that will expofe them to Death, Bani(ïbment, Imprifonment, Beggary, Contempt, or Silence. Moft willbeon the upper fide. 2. And remember that you your felf here confefs the fcandalsof forne of your Romith Party, and what, carnal prophane'r ones they Had ynu not confeifed it, I 'would have defired y u to read two Books, .'.7ofep. 'disci/a, of the wicked Ilòthful- Priefs in the - Indies, as G the