Baxter - BX1763 B28

if you believe it not and yet dare fay it ? Do you yet know no difference between the orbis Romanus , and the orhis univerfalis ? Or will youwithwilliam ohnfon, alias rerret , prove your Councils to be Univerfal, becaufe fuch places as 7hracia had Bifhops there, as if Thracia had been without the Empire ? or becaufe fuch a name as fohanncs Perfdis is found at Nice? Read all the fubfcribed names, and return toa founder mind ! i'heodoret knew what he Paid, when he gave the reafon why 7ames Bithop of Nifibis in Per(ïa, or near it, was at the Council of Nice , Becaufe Nifibis wu then under the Roman Emperour. Do you not know that moft of the ChriftianWorld ('two toone ) are not of the Pope's Subje is ; and are All the Bifhops of the Chriflian world then on your fide ? And do you not know that whenConifantine prefided at Nice, his Dominion was full as large as , the Bithop of Rome's was, and a little larger. VI. But becaufe you fha11 find us reafonable, we will tell you, that we confent to General Councils where the Pope confenteth not ? We confent to what the great Councils at Calcedon and conflantinople, be- fore mentioned, fay ofthe . Humane Inflitution ofhis Pri- macy, and the Rea(on and. Mutability of it ; and fo doth not the Pope ? Weconfent to theCouncils at confiance, Bafal, Pifa, that the : Pope may be depofedas aHeretick, and worfe ; bust the Pope doth not Is it not he then that diffenteth from all the Bijhops of the world? VII. And for the Kings prefding wewholly own it: He is theGovernour of Clergy-fin, aswell asof Phyfici ar s and he is to fee that they abufenot their Fun hon to