Baxter - BX1763 B28

Ca) to thecommon' hurt. The .difference is here, i. Our King Governethbut his own Dominions : But your Pope would Governall'the World. 2, Our King hatli an un- doubted Title : Your Pope is anUfurper. 3. And as to your name [Head] he hath given the World full fatis- faction, that he did never claim to bea Prieft-Head or Governour, a Conflitutive Headof a properly called Church, nor to havethe powerof word, sacraments, and Keys, fo as to adminifter them ; but to be a Civil Head and Go- vernour ofPrieffs, and theChurches in his Dominion,,, as he is of Phyficians, ¿c. VIII. And you miflake the Puritans, if you think they are not for this Government : Why elfe take they the Oath of Supremacy ? Yea, and if you think that they are not for as much Unity and Concord of all the Churches in a Kingdom, as can be had without a grey.- ter hurt, than the leffer particularities of their concord will do good : And they are not agains} National Synods for fuch Concord : And they hold the King to be the Re- gular Head or Governour, or Principium of that Concord: But not principiurn ofentiále iptios EccleJhe : And there- fore the Puritans differ . from judicious Ric. Hooker, who faith, [If the King be the Head of the Church, he muff needs be a Chriftian`:] For we hold that an Infidel King may be fo the Head, that is, the Rightful Governour of the Chriffians and Churches in his Dominion ; or elfe how fhould theybe obliged to obey him ? I'X. And you'aremif aken, if you think that thePu- ritans and thePrelatiffs differ about fubmitting our Faith to the judgment of theChurch : We fubfcribe the fame Articles,; which faytt äh enera Councils may erre, and have erred, ern -abort atters`bf`.Faith. Bu il ni?.ift>f ú%.4fiatItiePuritans, whoare ac- cufed