Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

[ 8o] `r 7u/his) was banifhed by the heirs ofKing Sabbareth, becaufe he would not give them et the Sacrament ofthe LordsSupper,which they « would have had before they ware baptized. Yet all this is no juitihcation of caufelefs dif- obedience to Magiftrates that circumftantiatt facred things according to their Office ; nor will it juftifie any Schifmatical focieties:Vefpe habent favor, & Marcionita Ecclejas faith rertullian. XLIV. 12. If any perlons Ihall pretend to have the power of Governing the Churches and Inferior Paftors as their Bifhops, who are obtruded on thote Churches without the ,lei5tion or content of thepeople or Inferior ?aft- ers, and thefe Bishops Mall by Lawes Or man -. dates forbid loch Affembling, Preaching or Worfhip as otherwife would be Lawful and a duty, It is no Schiff to difobey fuch Laws or mandates as fuch ; Nor do fuch difobey their Paftors, they being truly no Bifhops of theirs till they do content ( however in foie cafes the advantages of Tome impofed perlons may make it an aft of Prudence, and fo a duty to content, as is aforefaid,) It was no Schifm for the people of Antioch, Alexandria, Cefarea, Confantznople 6-0, to refufè Ecclefiaftical obed- ience to the ill Bifhops let over them by the Emperour to whom they did not content; But the Schifmwas theirs who complied with the imptì- fed Ulurpers. Here it muff be noted,that Church hiítery hath conftrained all that underftand it to confefs ( both Papifts, Greeks, and Proteftants, that the ordination of Bishops and Presbyters was in the power of the Bithops and the leetion in the power of the people, not only th6