Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

THE NONC ON FOR MI ST S PLEA for PEACE: OR An Account oftheir].uaggment. Incertain things in which they arc mis underaood: "written to reconcile and pacifié fuch as by miftaking them hinder Love and Concord. Exhort. in the Liturgy before the Communion. Ifanyofyou bean hinderer, or flanderer of God's Word,--or be in malice or envy, --Repent of e your fins, or elfe come not to the holy Table, left after the taking of that Sacrament, the Devil enter intoyou as he did into judas, and fill youfull of all iniquities, andbringyou to deftruc`iion both of bodyandfoul. By RICHARD BAXZ:ER. LONDON, Printed forBenj. Alfóp at the Angel and Bible over against theStocks-Market. 1679.

C1ïf9 ; AAA r S , 45 rAt 13 xa. 40 414 `f. ;`f0 4.44 4,10 4,44,4L, 4414 414 To the Reverend Conforming Clergy. Reverend Fathers andBrethren, IT is now feventeen years fnce.neer two thoqfand Minifters of Chrifl were by Law forbidden the exercise of their Cat= fice,unlefs they didconform to Subfcrip- tions, Covenants, Declarations and Pra&ices, whichwe durfl not do,becaufe we feared God: Forefeeing what this would do to the deífxoy- ingofLove and Concord, and ofmens fous, weakning theLand,encoura;ingPopery, He- retie and Schifrn, we did our Left Letime by Reafon, & fubmißîve petitioning the Bifbops, to have prevented it ; but in vain : We ne- ver made one motion for Presbytery, or againfl Liturgies, nor to abate any of the I3ifhops Wealth, or Honour, nor any thing as to Church- Government, but Arch' 13ilhop 7}fhers Model of the Primitive way: And we thankfully accepted ofmuch :fs, elpreft to His a)efties Gracious Tecía: 3tion about A 3 Lccle-

p; The .Epi,/lle. &clefatical Affairs. which,we hoped,would have ended all our difcords. The Reafons of the. Great < hange, and New Impofitions, it is God, and not we, that mull have- an ac- count offrom the Convocation,&c. andof the confequents. Since then, as we forefaw, con- trary interests have increafed contrariety : The Lg vs againft our Preaching to more than four,the Penalties of forty pound a Ser- mon, and long imprifonment in common Gaols, and driving us five miles from Cor- porations, and places where we lately preachf, and the reafons given are not un- known to you : Many Books are written, and Sermons preached , earnefily preffing Ma- giftrates to execute thefe Laws againft us And though, when demanded, we gave in a Catalogue ofdivers things in the old Impo- litions, which we undertook to prove to be great fns; and in our Petition for :Peace, pìotefled that nothing but avoidingfn should hinder our Conformity, and we had never call or leave to give our reafons againft the NewConformity ; I my Pelf have been, re- ported to my Superiours, to ber one that con- efeth the Lawfulncfs ofall, five ti ;e renoun- cingofa rebellious Covenant : And while the Law and Canons imprifon, and excommúni- 'cate us ipfbfado,ifwe do but give thereá/òns of our Nonconformity ; and Ihave. offered to Reverend $if -ops an =1 others, tobeg reeve to do

The Epilile. do it onmy knees, and nothing more grieved me, than that I might not fo endeavour to fave men from the damning fins of Hating, falfe accufing, and ruining their Brethren, and facrilegious hindering the Preaching ofGods Word ; yet have I been called on to tell them what it is that we would have, and told that our Superiours judge us not fincere, but meer fa&ions Schifmaticks, that will neither Con- form, nor tell them why we do not. Vehement Letters of acçufation are tent me : Many Books charge us with heinous Schifm, even as wilfully done againft our confciences Yea that C. óvetoufleft and Pride, andnot Confci- ence, caufe our Nonconformity ; that we are the worji men alive, and unfit for humanefa- ciety, Úc. while we are made their fcorrì, and many want bread,and manyof us preach for nothing, fave the fpiritual benefits and rewards. And thofe of us that have bread, know of fo many that have families, and no- thing but alms to maintain them, that we are glad to give them all that our neceffities can (pare : And we fuppofe our accufers would not think that if they chofe beggery and (corn, or lived only on mens charity, it wáuld prove them to be covetous or proud. I have read the Books of Biíhop Morley, Mr. Stil°rnan, Mr. Fuiwood, Mr. Darel, Mr. Fow- lis, Mr. Falkener, Mr. Nanfen, Dr. ßoreman, Dr.

The Epifle. Dr, Parker, Dr. Temkins, the Friendly Ze- bate, Dr. Afhton, Mr. Hollinnuorth, Dr. Good, Mr.Hinkiy,theGounterminer;Mr. L'Ëbange,. Mr. Longs' and many more And as my flesh is no more.' in love with poverty and fcorn than yours,' nor was I more uncapabie of fuch a lot as yours ; fo I here teftihe-that no than is more inexcufable than I, that have dwelt fo long in pain, fo neer the grave, if I have been fo madas to filence my felt., and 'chofe a Gaol among malefac`Fors ( where I have lain) and bitter accufations and. prole- Gutions, for any. thing of this world that I could hope for, or for any thing lets' than my aivatton. And .either I am an utter ftranger to n-i317 felf, or elfe I was willing to know the Truth: and Liberty andWealth is lifer tobe a byas, than that which the Law decreeth againff us. But if I be fo unhappy as to be lancapable ofunderfanding the lawfuinefs ©f all that is made neceí ary to the Minitlry,) ou Ahould better think of it before' beg the ramie Of all that are as ignorant ás I. Had you told us how to corne to , au - m°afitì e of knowle , -t'i,e, we would thank )#u e: When I askt Bi`hop Morley filch a queflion, he fed me' to read Bilfòn and Looker, 'wile' I found more than I approvea for refilling-, or refraining Kings; and had long before read them andSeam: 'i.,z, Bilhop Dct :,arr., S alaten- jis,

the .Epifile. ßs, Peta'ìus, Sancta Clara, Dr. Hammond, and abundance more for Prelacy, &c. He is not worthy the name of a man that would not know that truth, whichmaketh both for his temporal and eternal welfare, Under thefe accufations my confcience urged me to acquaint the áccu ng Clergy with our Cafe, believing it be uncharitable to impute all their to"e report to Malignity, or Dial,oli m, but that it was STRANGEFsT SS to our Cafe, while wrath and crofs intereff kept them from hearing us : But my pru- dent friends perfwaded me filently to leave all to God, afüring me it would but more exafperate, till they called us themfelves to fpeak. Twice we were fince invited to a Tryal for Concord, and both times came to anAgreement with the moderate and eminent Perons that we treated with : But it wag buried in privacy ; and f1í11 we are called on, to give the reafons ofour Diffent. Having long forborn for fear of offending them that require it, at Taft I have here ad- ventured, not fo far as to urge the Cafe, but only to flate -it, and tell you barely what it is that I dare not do : if I find that you can bear this, if I have leave fromGod and man, I Ihall venture on more, and give you my reafons : This unarmed Account is eaf ly- trampled on, I doubt not but it will meet with

the .Epif k. with fuch ufage as I have had already : But I mull: fay, that if fuch as the Counterminer will fay that to fear fuch fn as Ihave here named, by one that is not willing to be damn- ed, is Freafon, Reberlion,Schifm,Fat1ion,Pride, 'OAjlinacy ; this will not pats with me for con- vincing Argument, on which I mayventure my falvatìon. Yul. Scaliger exercit. tells us, that in France our Bicott, the Learned Scho©lman, was envied by another for his Auditors in Phdofophy, and his crafty adver- fary told the King, that Bicott was a Peripa- tetick, and Ariftotle was againft Monarchy: There needed no more, and Bicott was call down. As for them that think that to name the late Wars is a Confutation of Nonconfor. mils, as if they knew not that they were railed on both fides by Conforrnifts (Heylin in L ,vds Life will tell them who.) I now on- ly äpeat, [Silenceall that had a hand in thole , s (except the Conforniiffs) and no more, andIand tho / znds willgive you t/'ank' : f plead n -)t for my Pelf : The years are pail; in which I might have, better ferved the Church, had I been thought tolerable. I am at not un .apable now ofyour kindnefs, or of anygreat hurt that you can do me. A tor- rent of reproaching fcorntul words may cafe foremean minds,and ferve fore mens ends, but

The'Epiftle. but will not fatisfie my confcience, nor heal the Land. I write not this as accufing Con- formifls, or the Law-makers, but as aifwer- ing their loud and long accufations and de- mands. Iftelling what I,fear, Teem a telling what others are guilty of, it is a confequent which I cannot avoid; but to avoid it and fuch like, have feventeen years been herein filent. So far am I from defiring. the weak- ening ofthe Church, that I had not written this, but to prevent it. Though I with Saint Marlin renounce communion with Ithacius and Idacius, I go not fo far as he in fepara- ting from the Synods of Bilhops ; nor will I feparate from any Chriflians, further than they feparate from Chrift, or expel me Church Order I love; Church Tyranny and Schifm I love not Iam for more &'7 ;obs,and not for fè er : If .Parig-Oratories,or Chapels were made Parifh-(hitches,, at "call in each Corporation antiently called r1: Yea if the -tiarifh-Miniflers might le Paflors, Fpifcopi gregi s, and Not forced iy /"rangers to excom- municate, abfolve and receive to communion againfi their knowledge and conffciences, nor to profe0s, promife orpractice ,bn againfl God, nor omit .their known Mini/lerial duty, far be it fromme to be againfl: Conformity. I doubt not but he that will preferve Religion here in its due advantages, mull endeavour to pre - ferve

The Epiflle. ferve theSoundnefs, Concord and Honour of the Parifh-Churches. And as the truly wife and honeft yudge Hale bath Paid to me, It ,null be a new A of Jniformity that mull heal us, ifeverwe be healed. I am of the mind of old Mr. Dori, who, for the peoples fake, thankedGocl that there werefo many Wor- thyConformifls, and for Truth and C_ onfczence fake, thanked God that there werefo many ,\Tonconformifls. I love and honour, the Re- verend, folid,worthy Preachers which I hear in.mof'i Churches in London, where I come; and I endeavour to have all others honour them : And though I am by the Canon ipf® fado excommunicate, they ¡hall put me out from them before I will depart. But for the Church, and Kingdom, and their Confilences fake, I begof the Clergy, thatbefore theyany more render odious thofe whom they never heard, and urge Rulers to execute the Laws againft them, that is, to confine, imprifon, excommunicate, filence and undo them; they would be fuse what manner offpirit they are of; and that this is acceptable to God, and pro .fttalle to the Land, or to themfelves, and that iihich the ChurchesExperience commended], My honefi friend, whom I once perfwaded from Anabaptifrry,writing againft Separation, faith, that when he Jaw here a leg, and there an arm in the way, it.was timefor him to flop. But

The Epiflle. But inChurch-hifloì I havehad a fadder fight,' even the carka%s of thoufands , flreams of blood, and tumults in the chief Cities and Churchesof the world, the Crowns of Empe- rours &Kings, the lofs of theEafternEmpire, the generationof the Papacie, the reproach of Chriftianity, and that byClergie-Domina- tion, and Contention, ftriving who Mould be Createfi andfeem wifefai. Some fay, Ifwe take x_ afewmoderate men like ,you, what the better arewe? Anf. More than you dream of, are far better than I : I hope few are worfe; Biíhol Morley bid Ab uno difce omnes: Shall London have no clocks unlefs they will all flrike at once ? ¡hall none be tolerated but theperfeFt Areyou fuck your felves ? Doyou differ in no- thing? how then lhall we have Communion withyouwhenwe differ in all the things here defcribed ? Pardon me for Paying, I think that Mr. Tombs hath faid more like truth for Ana baptiflry, the late Hungarian for Polygamy, many for drunkennefs, healing and lying, in cafes of neceffity,than ever I yet read for the Jawfulnefs of all that I have here defcribed, And what is it that forcemen cannot copi oufy and confidently talk for ? And what wretched Reafons be they that have kindred Englands unity and peace?And how fullyhath Rom, 14. and x 5. and our Common intereft and notorious experience confuted them ! I have

if The Fpi.ale. have long wondered what powerful caufeit is, that with fuck men and fo many, could fo long prevail againft filch evidence and light. Ifou will not hear,thofe will whomGodwill ufe to thehealing of his Churches : and blefedare the Peacemakers for ( though you call them otherwife) theyfhall be called the childrenof God. I have prefixed the words of force as our admonition ; and I have written with this a fuller Treatife of the only true terms ofthe Concordof allChriftian Churches, andofthe falfe terms which they never will unite in, but are the caufes of Schifm. Icommitall with my felfLiving and dying, to him that is the Lord of the dead and living, and will íhortly judge us all in righteoufnefs. Come Lord Je_ fus ; andprepareus for thyComing. Amen, THE

11 Gr flr1 IPT `At 100.4V '4': T H E CONTENTS 1. H E Iteafens of this writing and thefenfti of the word CH R,CH. The various opinions offuch as wehave todo with. 3. What Churches the hold to be itflituted of God andwhat not. 4. What PrincesandPaftors may do infuckmatters. f. What feparation and What afJèrnbling or gathering Churches isunlawfuland what lawful. 6. Matters offad to be knownpreparatory to our caf. 7. Matters requiredofusfor Conformity, firfl cfLay-men._. 8. Secondly,Matters impofedon Minifiers:.4rnd I.OfAffnt, Confent, Approbation, and Canonical firbfcripzion, that nothing is contrary to the Wordof God. II. 9. Thefecond Part of the Matter of Conformity : keor- dination. IIL. Io. The third Part of the Matter cf Conformity ; of [wearing or Covenanting never to endeavour anyalteration ofChurch Government. VI. 11 . The fourthpart of the Matter; to declare that nei ther I nor any other perfon is obliged by the vow to endea- vour anyfuch alterationotChurch Government. V. i2. Thefifth Part of the Matter ; The Declaration and Oath ( as not underfiood) ofnot refifsingany Comzt a oned. VI. 13. Theftxth Part of theMatter :To ceafe preaching and adminifiringSacraments till we conform (at leafs not to preach to more than afamily and_fourperfon.,.) VII. 4. Thefeventh Part Confequentiaf,Not to come within five miles of any City or Corporation which fendeth Bur- geffes to Parliament,or oranyplace where wehavepreached to more than aforefaidli ce the Ail of oblivion. s. The Adjun£fs, andthe other Matters agreedon which affright the Nonconformifis 16. The caféand pratlice cf the Minfiers f nce they mere filenced. Additions

3W¢t 4.1. 7t4fJ9cÿIJiSeÿC+F9te éétt,ciégJrC'-C '9,i,31r)o`n:iF;,A3Ta C 3 G 7 '4 4'4 4 4 Additions occafioned by Mr. L. Frefh Suit, and force others, about National Churches, HE ,ueflion _fated§ 3, &c. Whether we are obliged by or to the /mill) National Polity ? §5,&c. or by fcripture to a .National limitation cf them? Whether aNational Churchform be lawful,§ 3 o,c1/4? Whether it be aPrudential derableform §38, &c ? The refolution of this by a (host. hiftory of Prelacic snd Councils. § 39, &c: Obi. From the necety of _zipped' fs, § 40, &c. Ob j. Shall all gather Churches text will. Obj. The .4poffles havefucceffours. Whether the Ding or Who ii the National Church Head § 41. 4z, 6c A Chriffian Kingdom what § 43? CZ ALIft real holynefs in the judgment of'rational Charity be required in all ChurchmemAers. §1? Q_ What Covenanting is neceffary to particular Church relation? § 5, c c, Zoe fpirit maketh Mini- firs, how ? L Tl: é Epijlé of an AfricanCouncil (in Cypriati Ep. 68. p. zoo.) ao Felix a Presbytet and the Lady at Legro and Afturica ; andto Llius the Deacon and the Laity at Erie- rita, concerning their 13ifhep4 I3afil;des Martial,rvorthy to be readas to our ?relent controverfies. II. The Letter or ARob. Grofthead, thegood Bifhop ofLin. corn to Pope Innocent containing the reafon ofhis Noncon- formity. and fhervzng that hiqdrxngpreaching is the ,jin next Divela¡rea and flntiçhrifisanifr3a . Out ofMat. Pari An. .1153.1).87r. 872, 4nextr.flfrcaaa .Bifh^p Stunderfen ß3e juramcnto. Sea.

timg&mm&&&&,«! ^ 5 s ^ « 5 9 « & s c » . «$» *$* «‘ji> « $* «^» * $ * «|k» « i i « ^ r «$», 5 k c r. The Reafans ofthis writing f and the fenfe of the fiord [C HUR ch] : r ~Jt¥ wa£ the faying of'adute and holy B guftine ( though we call him not with S Froriiondtts Qmntfcium) T that no mad JL ought to b( patient undtr an accufation of H e r e f i e .He m6aheth by Patience, z filent neg- lett ofhis own fuft Vindication:Not that we mult be like Heftoring Duellersy that would kill or hurt others in revenge, or iii a finful way df Vindication: But by filenee, thole that Hander tnen may be encouraged in their fin to their own deftruftion, and thole that valhe the flan- dered perfo'ns may be tempted to think tod well offferefie for their fakes : And the honour of God, and his Truth, and oiir own good names, fo far as they are lerviceablc, are none of them to \be difregarded. - We have with grieved Ibulsbeheld the Land of our Nativity B dill;rafted

dii1ratied by Divifions ; and much, if not molt about Religia'n, (we with it were not againfi lzgió , by fume that indeed kave 7-1-s Rt -w ligion :). Teachers againft Teachers, inDifcoar fesj Sermons, Books, rendringeach other defpi- 4àb1e, and unloye3y,, and time ;calling out alo:d; to-Rulers to draw the Sword againft their Bre thren ; fo learnedly and induftrioufly pleading the Gaufe againf each other: -with the Laity, high and low, as'if the deftroyfbgof their Love, and kindling Wrath and Hatred, were the Evan- gelical neceffary work; and without this zeal, and kill, -and diligence hard to be acco-tr plifhed. No wonder', then if we have, ;'people againft people, families divided, and all confounded; and this grievous Sçhifin carryed on by crying out againft each other as Schifmátiäks, and im- placably cal: fig it while we loudly inveigh a- g,á rd it. The cáfeis lamentable, that diftra- ¿fion íhotild he thjis evpreffed and promoted , and when God -hath waned us by the mifchtefs ofañ odious Civil War, and 'bath tryed us again vi;ith peace with all Nations about us, when ,molt Of them are involved id"grievous Wars, that yet we vvillnät give peace to one another, but live as if Peace were the Plague which, we molt defire tq,ofàape. Yet as it` is the good providénee ofGod, that the Names of lVifdom, Godli;z fs, Truth, 7r4fice, 17/1e cy, Honefly, and Verrue, are äll. fill honour- , able even among thole that hate and oppóf them ; and the n4_ es ofFolly,: Úiagodlinefs, Ly-- ¡hg, Vnj4fi ice Vnm'ercifrdnefs, Dífhonefty and Vice, are all difhonourabte - whs:re the things themelves are followed and prevail ; fa Love; Peace,

3 Peace and Concord, are names that are molt commended ; when if molt were for.ththings indeed, we were in a hopeful way ofrecovery AndalMalice,Schifm and Difeor4, are cryed down by thole, whom no intreaty will prevail with to forbear them, or to accept any remedy againft them. Yet we are thus far prepared for peace, . that if we be not falte Hypocrites, if we did but know which is the true way of Love,.P, ace and Concord, we would follow it : And if we kìew what is Schifin indeed, we would avoid ir. And its pity that men that think themfelves wife fhould yet not know the way ofLove and Peace: Efpecially that the Learned Preachers of the Gofpel of Love and Peace, should fill be the incendiaries, and fir up the Laity that would be more peaceable, againft each other. And that after fo many Volumes of Hiftory have thefe thirteen hundred years at leafy, afperft the Clergy with the reproach of being the contentious troublers of the world. And yet mutt we defpair ofa cure of fo odious a dWfeafe ? The thing that Books, Sermons, and Dfcourfes, cry out againft thofe called Non Conformzfs for, is Humorous, Obfiinate Schi/in, and Difobedience, in Preaching, when forbidden, and keeping up AP femblies not allowed, and gatheringChurches out of Churches 8& feparating fioai the !'arifh- Communi- on, andChurch of England. Ifwe can find out the Schifmatick, we hope he will be condemned by us all. But that the Caufe may be heard,at leaft in fome part, before it is judged, we that pub°- lift this, here give an account of our own judg ment, and thole that we are bet acquainted with, B 2 how

[4] how itt we hold it lawful or unlawful to ga-: ther Churches, or to feparate from Churches, or to differ from what is eitabliíhed by Authority : But the Application to our particular Cafe, and our Arguments thereabout, we muft not here prefume to publifh. They that accufe others as Schifmaticks, and Separatiffs, for deferring Churches, or gathering Churches out of Churches, and will not tell us what they mean by the word Church, nor give us leave to tell them what we mean, but judge in confufìon, and defpife explication, and necef- fary diffinaion, are men that we can neither be edified by, nor edifie, in this way. SECT. II. The VarioiMOpinions o. ffuch us wehave to do with. Seth. Ecaufe men will judge of fuch Cau- fes according to their feveral Prin- ciples, and Prefuppofitions, we muft take notice offome of the divers Principles of thofe whole cenfure we mutt expea : (Though not of incon- fiderable Seas.) SeU. II. And I. Some fay that no humane Form of Church. Government, and ofChurches, as governed, is of God's Inftitution (or as they fay, ?are Divino,) but that it is left to humane prudence. Sett. III. z. Some hold only an Vniverfal church (governed by a Pope, fay fame of them, or

or by a General Council while fitting, and a Pope in the Intervals, fay others, or by a Pope and Council agreeing while it fits, and a Pope in the Intervals, fay others) to be ?sire Divino, and all particular Church -Forms as fubordinate, left to the prudence of this Univerfal Governour as Supreme ; as Inferiour Officers in Kingdoms are made by the King. Sell. IV. 3. Some hold that this Vniverfal Church-Farm, and allo Diocefan, and no other, are infrituted of God. Self. V. 4. Some hold that the Univerfal, Patriarchal, Metropolitical (or Provincial) Dio- cefan, and Parochial, are jure divino,or initituted by Chrift and his Apofiles. Sets. VI. S. Some hold that only Diocefan Churches, and Metropolitical or Provincial, are jure divino, and not the univerfal : And of thefe force take Diocefan Churches, for thole only that contain many fixed Affemblies, and force for fach as have one Bifhop, whether over one Congregation, or over multitudes. Saith the very learned Dr. Hamond, in i Tim. 3. VI-he Church of the living God, was every fuch regulatr Affembly of Chriffiax s under a B/hop (fuch eas Timothy was) an Oeconomus fee over them by Chriff ; Such again every larger circuit under the .a4/letropolitane, who as Timothy had xriejbwswv xj xeíasv, Ordination and 7urifdiffion over the whole Province. Andfuch all the particular Churches of the whole world, confidered together under the Supreme Head Chrsß ?efus, difpenfn them all by himfelf, and adminijfring them f ,verally, not by any one Oeconomus, 6rdr by the feveral Bifoops as inftriour Heads of Vnitp to thefeveral Bodies, fo B 3 con-

[6- eon f ituted by thefveral Apofles in their p!antet Lions, each ofthem :having an Au:Tovel,ud, a feveral dif?ind- Commiffion from Chrift immediately and fubordinate to none, but the fupreme Donor or Ple- nipotentiary. He here fuppofeth ( as he elfe« where fheweth) that de fado, EppfcopalChurches were zn Scripture - -times but Engle Congregations; but that after it was otherwife And whethef then the New Form ofCongregations were jure divino, when they became but Parts ofa Byhops Church, we leave to the Readers conjefture ; «s allo ofthe New Formofa Diocefan Church. SeL..i VII. 6. Solicit hold that 1Vational Churches, that is,Chriftian Kingdoms, as govern- ed by theSoverazgn,Secular Power, are inftituted by God, and that ail Church -Forms elfe within that Kingdom, are jure humano, at the pleafure of the King, fv be it that worfhiping-Affemblies be kept up, and Biíhops and Priefts placed as it ílrall pleas the King. Sod. V III. 7. Some think that Diocefans (or Bifhops whether over one Congregat'ion or many) are instituted by God (and fòme fay allo ..drehefhops;) and that thefe have power by confent or contraH among themfelves, to make Patriarchal and National Churches : And íô that thefe National and Patriarchal Churches are jure divino mediato, but jure human(' immediato, and are rather -made by the confent of Bifhops, than by Kings : And fò under Heathen Kings the Churches may be National. Sept. IX.. 8. Some think that Parochial Churches(coh1ìftirig ofChriftiars diftinguifhed by the circ o-at ofgroused) and combinations of thefe into Synods lefts and greater, Clajfcal, Natio- nal,

gal, are jure divino, and no other lawful. Seri. X. 9. Some think that Only Parochial Churches ordi ar ly,andJingle Congregations Ofany Neighbour Chriftians, when ParifhOrder cannót be obferved, are jure dvinó, Sect. XI. io. And föme think that or y Thai Jingle Congregations. ofChriftians, with- their Chó f en Paf tors, without any neceffary refpec to t -f rfb bounds, are properly called Churches of .D vine Inftit ition, though there Churches may and Mould hold filch affociations, as correfponderrce` and mutual help require. SeEb. Xft. There being fo -man forts of Churches in the world, (as llniverfal, National, Patriarchal, Provincial, or Metropolitical, Dio.- celan, Claffical, Parochial, Congregational) it is hard to give a juft decifion of the queítion, From which of theft, and when it is a fin tofepa- rate ; till it be firft known which of'thefe is Dim vine, and which of Humane Inftitution, and which HumaneChurches are neceffary, which law- ful, and which finful. And it maft be known of which the queftion is. And while there is fo nal a diverfity of Judgment, about the feverar Forms, the nature of Schifm will be hardlier' opened. SECT. III. What Churches we hold to be inflituted God, andwhat not. R own judgment we {hall plainly exprefs in this -following Order :. 13 4 1. We

[3] r. We (hall (hew what Church we judge to be of God's Institution, and what not. 2. What a- bout Churches the Magiftrates or Paftors may inifittite by God's Authority orallowance : And what they may not inftitute.g.In what cafes it is lawful to gather Churches where Churches are : In what cafes it is lawful to feparate from Churches ; and in what cafes neither of thefè laft is lawful. See. IL r.. All Chriftians are agreed that Chrift is the Author of the Vniverf;d Church, (confidered both as Baptized, or Externally ca- }senanting and prof.fng, called Vijible, and as Rcgenerare and fiaccrely Covenanting,c lied A'I)fti- cal) as it is Headed by Chrift himfèlf, and called his Body, and his f)ecial Kingdom. Sea, ÌIí. 2. We doubt not but Chrift hath in Rimed the Office of the sacred Minftry, to be under him as the reacher, Ruler, and High Pries of the Church, in Teaching,Guiding, and Worship- ing : And that he bath inttiruted holy Affemblies and Societies for there things to be exercifed in : And that [a Society of Neighbour Chrisfans affo- ciatedwith finch a Pastor or Paftors, for perfonal Communion herein, even in filch Doc`lrine, Disci- pline and Worship] is a Church -Form of Divine Institution. Sett. IV. If they be not [Chrt:gians] by Bap- tirm, or visible Profef son, they be not vifible .Materials for a--Church. If they be not [Neighbours] that is, within reach ofeach other as to be capable of Inch Communion, they are not matter that bath the receffiry exrrinfecal difPofjtion. they be not [arotated] explicitely or im- plicitely,

[9 plicitely, by Tome fignification of Confent, they maybe an accidental Affembly,but not a proper Chrisx -ion Church. If they be not affociated [ for this holy Com- munion] they may be a Civil Society, but not a Church. If they be not alfociated [for Perfonal Com- munion] at fome due feafons, but only for Com- munion at diflance by Delegates, Meffengers or Letters, they are not a Particular Church of this fpecies now defined, though they may be mem- bers of larger affociations, National, Dioce- Tan, &c. If they are not affociate with one or more Pa- tiers, they may be a Community of Chriftians, but not a Political Church,which we now define. If they are not joyned with a Paftor that hath all the forefaidPowers, ofVeaching, Ruling by the Word andKeys, and going before them in WorfhiP; and if they content-not to his relation as fuch, they may make à School, or an Oratory, but not a proper particular Church fimpliciter, fo called [but only a Church fecundnrn quid, or as to forne part ;] for an Effential part is wanting. But it is not the defect of Exercife that unchurcheth them, while there is the Power, and that con- tented to (for Men cannot be Paftors or Churches againft their. wills.) SeEt, V. 3.. As all Chriftians grant that the .1poftles had a general Commifion to call Infidels to Chrift, and to plant Churches with their particular Paftors as aforefaid, and to take care that their Pallor and they do the duties, ( not compelling them by their Sward, but by the Word,) fo we are far from denying that yet forne

111 fie Miniferst of Chrifl: may, and fhonId °reek she cower/ion of infidels, and plant Churches of the converted, ordaining ?sours over them bÿ their co-nfent, and taking due care by their grave *clvife that filch Churches walk in the obedierìc ofCyril}, as far as they can procure it ; And torch Seniors which havefo planted theft Churches and Paflors by Gods bleffing on their labours, fhould be much reverenced by the Churches which they have planted, and their juft advife, exhortations and admonitions Mould be heard by the People and the Paflers whom they ordained, and all their juniors : And though the Apofilet have no fuccelfours in their exttaordinari°es, yet that fbrre mould in this ordinary work 'fucceed them, we deny not, becaufe I. We find that it is a work í1i11 necelfary to heddne : 2. And others as well as Apofiles did it in thofè times ; as Silas, Luke, Apollo, `I'smothy, lïtus, &c. and fince, all filch as have planted the Gofpel among Infidels. Becaufe Chrilt promifed to be with them that did this work to the end ofthe world,Mat.28.2r. But whether fùch men be of a different office or order from the j.îiuior Paftors ; whether any true Presbyter that path ability , opportunity and invitation, may not do the fame work with Infidels ; and by his faeces, and feniority may not fù ordain Palfors Over the Churches which he gathered ; and have an anfwerable right to reverence and regard from thole that he fo planteth, and ordaineth ; are controverfies which we prefiame not now to decide. And we cannot prove that this maketh a di- lint firmof a Church, no not in the Apojlles time and cafe : For we cannot prove that they

CII they diftributed the Countrys into Provinces or Diocefes peculiar to each Apoftle ; and had any Churches which they fuppofed to be peculiarly under this or that Apoftles Govern- ment fo as that any of the reft might not with Apoftolical power have come, refided, preacht and governed in the fame : No Scripture tells us offuch limits & Provinces.Nay,the Scripture tells us, that manyof them were as Apoftles at once in the fame places : As at 7erufalern oft. Paul and ?ohn had Apoftolical power at Ephefus Peter and Paul (as is commonly held) at Rome, And its probable that as Chrift fent forth his difcipies by two and two, fo the Apoftles went in company, as Paul and Barnabas did : fo that fuch appropriate fettlemeut of Provincial or Diocefan Churches, we cannot fee proved though Each a Generali .7Winiftry is eafily proved ; and we doubt not but by content they might have diftributed their Provinces, had they teen caufe, and that a&ually they did fo diftribute their labours as their work and ends required : But if they had become proper Provincial Bithops over leveral Diftritts or Provinces, it feemeth ftrange to us that no hiftory tellethus which were the twelve or thirteen Provinces , and how limited ; and that they continued not loner ; and that inftead of three Patriarchs firft, and four after, and five next, we had not twelve or thirteen Apoftles or Patriarchsfeared over all the world, with their known divífions And that men Peek not now to reduce the Churches to this Primitive State, rather than to the laid Imperial Conftitution; and rather to fubjec`t us all to the .Apof.7olical Seats, than to five Patriarchs in the dominions of ano_ thcr

[izj then Prince, and now moitly fubjea to an Infidel. Yea it is f#range to us that the firft Seat (Rome) Mould derive its pretended power from two Apoftles ( as if our Church might have two Bifhops ) and the fecond ( .Alexandria ) from Saint !Clark, who was no Apoftle, and the third ( Antioch) from the fame Apofile that Rome did, ( as if one Bi/hop might have two fuch Diocelès, ) and the fourth (7erufalem) from St. lames, commonly Paid to be no Apoflle and the !aft ( which became the fecond or the firft ) from no Apoflle, nor make any fuch pretence ; if thirteen Apoftolick Provinces were then known. But we eafily acknowledge, that as Apoftles having planted many Churches Raid a while in each, when they had fetled it, and fome time vifited it again; fo they are by force hiftorians called the firft Bifhops of thole Churches, being indeed the Irantent Governours of them : In which fente one Church might at once have two or many Bifops, and one Bi/hop many Churches, and he be Bithop ofone Church this week, who was Bifhop ofanother where he came the next. Setif, VI. Chriftian Community, (prepared to he a Polity) and a Chriftian family, and a Chriftian Kingdom, we doubt nor may all prove their Divine Right ; And ifany will call thefe Churches, let us agree of the definition, and we will not flrive about the name. SeR.VII. We know not ofany proof that ever was produced,that many Churches of thefirfRan&, muß (of duty) make one fixed greater compound Church, byAffociation,whether Claf ical,Diocefan, Provincial, Patriarchal, or National : and that God hath inftituted any fuch Form : And we find the

the greateft defenders ofPrelacy, affirming-that Clafíes, Provincial, Patriarchal, and National Chutches,are but humane inftitutions; of which more anon. Seat. VIII, We find no proof that ever God determined the Churches Mould neceffarily be individuated by Parifh-bounds or limits of ground ; and that men in the fame limits might not have divers Biíhops, and be of divers par- ticular Churches. Seat. IX. We never faw any fatisfaftory proof that ever Chrift or his Apoftles did inititute any particular Church (taken in a Political fenfe as organiz.ed,and not meerly for a Community)with- out a Bifhopor Paftor, who had the power of Teaching them, Ruling them by the Word and Power ofthe Church-Keys, and leading them ih publick Worfhip. Seat. X. Nor did we ever fee it proved, that any one Church of this firft Ranh (which was not an Affociation ofChurches)confifted in Scripture- times of many (much lets many fcore or hun- dred)fuch fixed Churches or Congregations: Or that airy one Bifhop of the firft Rank (that was not an Apoftle, or a Bifhop ofBifhops)of whom we now fpeak not, had more than one of fuch fixed Societies or Churches under him Or might have more Rated members ofhisChurch, than were capable of Perfonal Communion, and mutual affiftance at due feafons, in holy Do- atrine,Difcipline and Worfhip : Though we doubt not but as now, there are many Chapels in force Parifbes, where the aged, weak, children, and all in foul weather, or by other hinderances may hear, and pray, and occafionally commu- nicate,

L141 nicate; whofe proximity and relation to the Pa- rifh-Churches do make them capable of Perfo, nal Communion in clue fealons with the Whole Parifh (at leaft per vices) in tholeChurches, and in their converfation : And as a finde Congre- gation may prudently in perfecution, or foul weather, meet oft-times in feveral houfes ; fo the great Church of ?erufaler (though it cannot be proved a quarter fo big as fome of our Pa- riffles) might in thole times when they had no Temples, hold their publick Meetings oft at the fame time in divers houfes ; and yet be capable ofPerfonal Communion, as it is bef)redefcribed. See. II. It is not inconfiderable to our confirmation, that fo worthy a man as Dr. Hamond loth over and over, in his Differtations againft Blundell, and in his Learned Annotations on the newTeltament, affert all the matter of fan which we are pleading for, viz. That the word [ Presbyter ] and [ Pitfior ] in the New Teftament is ever taken for a Bifhop . That it belonged to the Bifhops office to be the Preacher to his Church, to vifit all the Sick, to take care of all the Poor, and to take Charge of the Churches flock, to adminiftex the Sacrament, &c. And ( as he faith on A61s II. .6. ) " 7hat although - >this Title of7pur.eilTseyt, Elders, " have been all .extended to fecond order in the "Church, and is now only in t /e for them, under the mane of Presbyters,, yet in the Scripture- " time it belenged. principally, if not abine, to " B,fhops,, there being NO EVIDENCE that any of that fecund Order were then "inflituted, though foon after before the writing of Ignatius's Epilfles, there mere.fuch inffituted in " all Churches.] Sea

Sect. 3II. By this it foltow_eth, that i. t, (Ace of a fubjea Presbyter that was no Bifhz was not in being ( that can be proved ) in Scripture-times. z. That no Bilhop had more than one worthiping affembly at once : For all Chriifians afíembled for worfhip on the Lords dayes, and their worfhip; included fomewhat whichnone but a IYlinifter ofChrift might do, and wii.en there was no ,ogler Minifter in being but Bifh,aps, and a Bifhop can be but in one place at once, a Bifhop çanld have but one afiembly. Though for our parts we think that we have jug reafon to believe, ..that Churches then , had more Miniffers than once, when we read how Poi/ was put to reftrain anal regulate their publick officiating Corinth. Car. 14. Seat. XIII. And it further çonfirmeth us, that the faid DoCtor tells us, that for ought he knoweth, the:n.10 of the Church then were of his mind : And ,Francifcru áfan.4 clar4 de EpiP-, cop. tells us, that this opinion came from Sco- t A,nd Pet4?ito, that Learned Jefuit, was the man that brought it in, in our times, viz,. That the Apoftles placed only B/hops with Deacons ira the Churches, and that it is only thefe Bfhops th t $tre called Pres6jters in .Scripture.' So that the Matter of fact, for the whole Scripture - times is granted us by all there learned men, Sea. XIV. Ik being the Divine Infiitution. of the Oi ce of this fécond Order of Presbyters, which we are unfatisfied about; and thefe Reve- rend men confefhng'that de facto they were not in being (as can be proved by any evidence) in Scripture times, and thole rimes extending to about

[I6] about the hundredth or ninety ninth year after` Chrifts Nativity (when St. yohn wrote the Re= velation) we muff confers that we know not how that Order or Office can be proved then to be of God's inftitution. 1. As to the Effi- cient ; whofhould do it as the certain authorized Inffruments ofGod. 2. Or how it (hall be cer- tainly proved to sa to be ofGod, when Scripture telleth it not to us ; and what Records of it are infallible; And whether fuch pretended proofs ofTradition as a fuppleenient to Scripture, be not that which the Papacy is built on, and will not ferve their turn as well as this. SeEI. V. And whereas it is laid that the Bi- íhops made in Scripture-times had authority given them to make afterward that fecond Of- fice or Order of Presbyters : i, We cannot but marvel then that in fuch great Churches,as that at yerufalem, Ephefiu, Corinth, &c. they fhouid never ufe their Power in all the Scripture- times. And when they had fo many Elders at yerufalem, fo many Prophets and Teachers at Antioch and Corinth, that Paul was fain to re- ftrain their exercifes, and bid them prophefie but One by One ; and one laid, I am of Paid, and another, I am of Apollo, &c. there fhould yet in that age be none found meet for Bifhops to ordain to thisfecondfort of Presbyters,as well asmen to make Deacons of 2. But we never yet law the proofproduced, that indeed the Bifhops had power given them to inftitute this other Species of Elders. Sure it belonged to the Founders of the Churches (Chrilt and,his Apoftles) to inftitute the Species of Ecclefiaftical Officers, though the Bifhops might

'night make the Individuals afterwards. And Where is the proof that the Apoflles did infti- tute it ? If Ecclefiaftical generation imitate na- tural,the Bifhops would beget but their like men beget men ; fo Physicians make Phvficians, and fo Bifhops may beget Bifhops : But he that faith they could morally firft beget this other Species, moil prove it. Sett XVI. When Presbyters were firft diflinc frßm Bifhops , we fee no proof that it was as a diftindOffice or Order in fpecie, and not only as a díflintt degree and priviledge of men in the fame Office : Nor bath the Church of Rome it felf thought meet to determine this as de fide. but fuffereth its Dodors to hold the contrary Sed. XVII. It much confirmeth us in our judgment; that no mere Bifhop then had more Churches than one (as afore defcribed) when we find that Ignatius (whole authority Dr. Ha- mond Wert. conte Blondel: Laieth fo much of the caufe upon , and whom Bifhop Pierfon bath lately fo indutfriouíly vindicated) cloth expretly make ONE ALTAR, and ONE BISHOP with the Presbyters and Deacons, tei be the noteofa Church Vnity and Individuation. And that by óneAltar is meant oneTable ofCor . munion, or place where that Table Rood, is paft doubt with the judicious and imparrial.Whence learned Mr. yafcphMede doth argue as certaiiì that then a Bifhops Church was no other than suchas ufually communicated in one place. Yea, faith Ignatius, the Bifhop ínufl take notice and account of each perfon, even of Man f rvdnts and Maids (that they come to the Church). And this was the Bifhop áßf a Seat, that after, was lPatri-

[iS] Patriarchal : Such Bithops we do not oppofe. Seal. XVIII. We find proof than ordinarily Churches were firit planted in Cities (there be- ing not then in the Villages Chriftians enough to make Churches : ) But we find no proof that when there are Chriftians enough to conftitute Churches, they may not be planted in Villages alto : Nor yet that there may not be more Churches than one in the fame City : For fo Grotius faith, There were even then when Chri- ftians were comparatively but few, and that they were as the Jewifh Synagogues in this re- fpec`t. And Dr. Hamond largely afferteth that Peter had a Church of ?en's, and Paul another of Gentiles at Rume, and that fo it was in other Cities. S_eEi. XIX. Much lefs is it by Divine Inflitu- tion, that Bithops, and their Churches or Seats, be only in fuch as we now call Cities, which by their priviledges are diftinct from other great Towns and Corporations , whenas the word rt ;ì.:s then fignified a great Town or Corporation, filch as our Market-Towns and..' Corporations noware. SCEI. XX. But it is the Law of God that all things about Churches and Church-affairs which lie , bath left to humane prudence, fhould be done according to fuch general Rules as he hath prefcribed for their regulation. SECT,

[ I9 SECT. IV, What Princes andPafiors maylclo i4 fisch matters. L iefe forelaid General Laws of God do both give the Riders their Power for deter,mining things committed to them, and allo l,rnit their power therein. H. There General Lavirs are , that Al things be done to Edification. (the circu nfances fitted to the End, the Glory or God, and the 13,4- 1;:eß, Good,the promoting of7'ruf h and Godlinef;) that all be done in Love, ta the promoting of Love and `Unity ; and that all be done in Order and Decently, arid as may avoid offence or lcan- dal to all, both thole without, and thole within. ad. 6. 15, t 6. flail. 3. '5,16. I Cor. I ,. 1, 5 2, 26, 17, Rom. 14. 19. & 15. 2. s Car. IC). 23. Epbef. 4.: 12, 16, 19, 2 Cor. 12, 19. & 6. 5, & 1 I. 7. 1 Cor. 8. 13. III. Therefore no Rulers, Civil or Eccle- fiaftieal, have their power to fcandalize and deftroy, but only to edfie, being the Minifters of God for good, Rom. i3. 3, 4, Ç. à Cor, io. 8. & 13. O. [V. The great Dif>ute is ( handled excel- lently againft the Papiffs for Kings by B Poop Bilfan of Chriftian Obedience, Brhop .Andrews Tortura Torti, Brfhop Buckeridgge, 5palaten1is, and many more) whether the Kings of Cbriftian Kingdoms have not the fame power about Chit.rch- matters, as the Kings of lfrael and luda.h had C A (David,

20 ] (David, Solomon, Hezekiah, Yoliah, &c.) which cannot be anfwered by an only Tea or Nay,with- out a more particular confideration of the com- pared Cafes. V. We fuppofe it certain that Chriftian Kings have no leffer power than the Kings of If- rael, except i. What any fuch King had as a Prophet, or in peculiar , by an extraordinary grant. 2, And what alteration is made by alte- ration ofChurch-offices, Laws, andWorfhip,which may make a difference ; of which hereafter. VI. And I. It muff be remembred tliat God then refèrved the Legiflation to himfelf, which he exercifed by Revelation, and by fpecial Prophets : And fo the Prophet Mofes delivered them that Law, which no King had power to abrogate, fufpend, or alter by adding or dimi- nifhing, Deut. 12. 32. yof r. But they had a mandatory power, and of making fomeJubordi- iate By-laws, as Cities and Corporations have from and under the King. VII. 2. Yea great and fpecial Mandates were oft fent from God by Prophets, againft which the Kings ofIfraci had nopower. VIII. 3. The Executive or yudicial ,Power was divided : part was in the Kings and Magiftrates ; and part was in the Priefts and Levites, which theKing could not ufurp him- felf (as appeareth in Vzziahs offering Incenfe,) nor yet forbid the Priefts to ufe ir, according to God's Law ; nor change or abrogate their Of- fice. For he and they were fubjef to God's Laws. IX. 4. God himfelf fettled the Hi h 'Priefihood on the line of-dam, and 4/ithe Prieft hood

E I ,00d on the Tribe of Levi ; and it was not in the power of theKing to alter it. X. 5. God Bated the High Priefthood on the Priefts during life, NHmb. 35. 25, 28. /of. 20. 6,&c. which Law the Kings had no power to violate. XI. 6. There are more particular Laws made by God for the dúty of the Priefts, de- fcribing their office and work, than for any o- ther particular cafe, as many hundred Texts will tell us And none of thefe Laws might be altered, or fufpended by the Kings of Ifra;'l Nor thofe by which God flared fame of the Ju- dicial Power in the Congregation, Alum. 35. 12 to 26. XII. 7. Solomon's putting out Abiathar, and putting in Zadok, is not contrary to any of this:. For (fuppofing the words King. 2. 35% to be not only a hiftory of the bare matter of fad, but a )uftification of it de j íre.) a. it pofeth learned men to refolve how xadokand Abmthar are oft Paid to be both High Priefts before, and Zadok Rill put before 4baathar. 2,, It is cer- tain that Zadokhad the right both of Inheri- tance and efpecial Prornife, .Numb. 25. z 1, 12, t 3, Chron, 6. 3, ,q.,&c. And what Solomon did was that the wordof the Lord night be fkfilled. How the políefl'ron came into the hands of the line ofIthamar, Expofitors cannot find It ïs like it was by occafion of the con£ufions of their oft Captivity and Anarchy in the interfpace of the Judges. 3. Even the Prieffs were the King's fubáets, and might be punified for their crimes, fo it were according to God's Laws. And if Abiathar forfeited his life, he forfeited, his Of- fice, C. XI[.

C XIII. 8. The Priefthood then depended not on the inftirution or will of the King or People: He ,might not put out a lawful Prieft, that had not forfeited his Life or Office : He might not have put any in his place that had not.right from God, or that was unquali- fied : He might not have forbid the Fritts the work appointed them by God : But yet if he had ìnjuriofly depofed one Abiathar, and put in a Z dok, the lots had been little to the Church : But if he had depofèd fo great a number of the Priefts and Levites,as that a great part ofGod's commanded work muff needs thereby have been left undone, and- Religion fo far deßro 'ed, or had as ?eroboam, put of the bafeft of the 'people (or uncapable perfbns) into the Prieff- hood, the lot's had been greater, and the thing unwarrantable, and fuch as he had not power fromGod to do. HIV. And the quality of Mofes Law and its t1orks, as different from the Laws of Chrift, and the Works thereof; muft be confidered, that we may difcern the difference of the Cafes. A man that did attempt to draw the people to Idolatry, was then to be put to death ; yea, the Cite to be deftroved that concealed,him, Gtr, 3 fo were they that blafphemed, and fuch as committed other heinous crimes againft Re- ligion ; yea., thofe that would not enter into, or renew their Covenant with God, were by .Fife's command to be put to death : But Chrift will have mens Athcifìn, Irreligiouiñefs, Idolatry and L =i ideliry, cured by the Preaching of the Truth, t^.liic`. therefore requireth that the Preachers for number and qualification be anfvverable to their

their work : efpecially teeing they are things fo mysterious and fupernaturally revealed, which men are to believe : And the works of Mofes's Law lay very much in ceremony and outward aftions, which a man of mean qualifications might eafily do : Bvr the great work of the Gofpel is to bring Life and immortality to light, and to Preach Chrift, bywhom came Grace and Truth, and more notably than the Law of Mofes did, to call men to Mortification, Self denial, Crofs-bearing, contempt of the World, by Faith and Hope and Love of a better World, and to bring them to a heavenly mind and life : And mens falvation is laid on this. If it were but to offer Sacrifices, and do over the task of out- ward Ceremonies, a Mafs-Priefts qualifications might ferve the turn : And if it were but to put men to death that will not be 7ews, and take their Covenant, and that draw any from their Religion, neither fo many nor fo excellent Mini- flers were necelTary : But we are under a bet- ter Covenant, even a Law of Love which is more eminently become the firft and last, the great and newCommandment, and the regent Principle in Souls and Churches ; and the num- ber and quality of the Preachers of it mutt be anfwerable. XV. As Mofes was God's minifterial Law- giver to the i rstelites , and was faithfal in all his truft ; fo Chrift is the great Prophet lik unto him, as typified by him, whom God bath railed up to his Church, whom they that hear not, {hall be cut off by God, and from that Church as he hath appointed : The L r ìflation Vnivevfal is now the work of Chrifi by himfelf, C 4 and

tnd by the Holy Ghoft, which he promifed anti gave for that ufe to his Apoftles , that they might infallibly underftand his will, and remem- ber what he had commanded them to teach the world. XVI. Kings or Paftors may not now al- teror fufpend any of thefe Laws of Chrift, any more than the Jewiíh Kings or Priefts might al- ter or fufpend the Laws of Mofes. XVII. Chrift bath inftituted a Miniflry to be for ever ftablifhed in the world, to Preach bis Gofpel, to convert volunteers unto Faith and Holinefs, and to gather by Baptifm all Con- renters into his Covenant and Church, and to teach them all that he bath commanded them, A.nd this none have power to overthrow. XVIII. He bath Rated on the Paftors of fuck Churches, the Power afore defcribed, of Teaching Affemblies and particular perlons, of leading them in publick Worfhip, and Sacra- lents, and of judging by the power of the Keys, whom to receive into their communion by Baptifm, and profeflion ofFaith, and whom to adnìonifh, and for obftinate impenitence to reje : And, this Inftitution none may alter, XIX. He bath inftituted ordinary Afl'em.. Mies, and ftated particular Churches, as is aforelaid, for thefe holy exercifes, and forbad all Chriftians to forfake them; and he and his A- poftles have appointed and feparated the Lord's day hereunto. None therefore may abrogate or fufpend thefe Laws. All this is proved, Moth. 28. 19,20. &16.19. &z$. 18,19. yoh. 20.23. -:Cu.k 12. 37, 38. Mat.2I. 36. & 22. 4, 5 &c. & .4.4.5,46. lieb, I0.25,26, 4i .t I.26. r Cor. t:I.