Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

Cg9 come in flaming Fire to render vengeance to them that know not 'God and obey not the Gófpel, 2 . Thef. 1. Io. i r. All they hall be damned that obey not the truth but have pleafure in unrighteoufnefs 2. Thef. 2. II. 12. They that live after the flefh fball die, and they that have not.the fpirit of Chrift are none ofhis, Rom. 8. 9. 13. It ' is not then eafie to think ofa greatet hurt, than to forbid men fuch means, without which experience affureth us that few comparatively are ' thus inlightened and renewed to God, and with which more Comparatively are renewed. To fay that God can biers to us an ignorant heartlefs , Carnal Teacher, is no anfwer, while experience cer- tified' us that Comparatively he loth not do it. If the people would chufe fuch Paftors, Rulers muft do their belt to change their minds, and to provide better for them. But thats not the cafe that we are now (peaking to. If people would run into Sets and Herefies, Rulers may pu nifband re_firainfalfeTeachers that dangeroufly corrupt the Chriftian doctrine and feduce the peoples fouls ; But they may not therefore filence the faithful Minifters of Chrift, And adhereing to fuch Minifters, doth not, any hurt of it fell': Nor any way tend to the furthering of fo much hurt, as the contrary would do. 3. For who knovveth where to bound his obedience to fuch filencers as afore{aid, If a thoufand' or two thoufand faithful Minifters, mutt ceafe Preaching when fo forbidden, why not 3ooó, why not 4o co? Ifhalf aKingdom;can you Gitisfie the confciences of the other half that they mutt not do fo too, and fo all Chriftian King-