Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

C 93 higheft degrees of knowledge, and fo little Love to others as to themfelves, that by envy and imp patience, they raife or increafe Schifrns in the Church, by making a cauflefs outcry againft Schifm,"ór making little differences feem great : They that cannot bar with Perfons and Con- gregations, who in little matters differ from them, becaufe theyprefer fome' other Teacher before them, and fay fomewhat againft their opinions or ways, do condemn themfelves while they cry down Schifmaticks, and feem not to knowwhat manner of fpirit they are of : The Wifdor from above it firft pare,and then peaceable, andgentle, and enfie to be entreated, full of mercy and goodfruits, withoutpartiality and hypocrite and the fruit of righteoüfnefs is fowen in peace by peace - makers : But if there be envying and ltrife,' it is infernal wifdom, earthly, fenfual and devilifh, introducing confufön, and every evil work, whetherit be found in Factions, Conten- tions, Antichurches and Hereticks, or in thofe that can bear with no Diffenters, nor receive them that are weak in the faith, but make things unneceffary, and their own conceits and wills the meafure of mens liberties and their cen- fures. He that wóüld purfue all as Rebels in a Kingdom, vvho interpret not every Law alike, would more divide the Kingdom, than all mens different expofitions now do, LVII. We do with forrow confefs that the difcords of the people about chufing their Bi- shops, hathbeen a great fcandal to Infidels, and a great difhonour to the Church, and hath tau., fed many lamentable Schifms, not only under Chri tian Emperours, but Heathens But it hath been