Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

`nf. 1. when we hear, and read, how the papifts deceive the ignorant, by repeating the queftion, who mt4f be the judge, it gr ieveth us to find force Protettants fo unskilful hi anfvvering it when the antwer is fo eafv,that whenopened we hope few tuber F roteitants differ in ir. Judgement is Publt(or Privae : Publik Judge- ment. is either Antecedent by a Lawgiver judging what fhall be ctmmánded and made the fttbjeíls dtity ; or corifeyuent by a judge fo ftrittly called, Judging of Tiles, and Carnes (in order to punifhrrnent ) according to Lw; Private 74dgement is.eiiher by ..drbit .ators or privasie Cerfrxrers, or by every mans C fcience difcernzng and jtdgihg what is his duty, and `'What is fin.' Y The Sovereign of the World, is the only judge, by Legiflatdon what (hall be the eiaay of ali mankind, by the Law which he and keth tobind high and low, which none may al'er or fufpend. 2 And he is theonly fountain of Power to his Creatr 'r es. 3. And he is the only final, abfhate, i.fallible j:,dge. a. The Sovereigns of Kingdoms and Common wealthy, and matters in their families, arejudges anteced:.ntly what. 'hull be their Subjects duty, by their Laws fùbfèrviert to Gods : And they and their Officers receiving power from them are the Judges Corifeyuehtly, by Decifon, who fhall be punithed as Criminal and who not, and who fhall be protected in his propriety or cítate, by the fvword of Iuftice. 3. The true Bifhops or Paftors of the Church; are Guides to the people according to Chrifts, Laws, in the mattersof their Office, and deczfive judges, typo fh411 be taken in, or pot out of Coro- _ rmanio3