Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

[I 5] Iveth ;and 'thole that G117,7,9 then felves to be .Non caafocmtits, are by the C; urch Lays excommuni- cated tpfo fiat o, though they fbould defire Com- munion. 2, That no Minifter is to admit them to the Sacramental Communion is before fhevved front Can. 27. And alto that their Children are not to be baptized, unlefs theywill tubmit them to the dedicat?ng lign of the Crofí; nonor to be buried with Chriftian Barial (of which more after- ward.) 3 If they have a Minifter in their own Pa- ri.íh that never -preacheth, or fo bad as that,they dare not commit the Peftoral care of their fouls to him, they mutt not be -admitted to Com- munion , in any other neighbour Pariilhes, Can. 28. That they are ipfo fafto excommunicated, -iall be anon ihevved. SECT. IX. The Mitters of. Faa thrit concern the Can- {ormity and1.9nconfòrm,i v of the Ma/li- fters : And I. of A:Pnt , Gn(F?It and Sttbrcrzriczt that noahzls ís conlrau to God's I4r'ord. j.'"irH.E Canon tobe fubfc.ribed (36 h ) wil- li.sly and ex animo is . Tat ahe Book. of Common-Prayer, and of ordaining of Blholas, Priefts and,Deacons, containe h in ir NOTHING CNTRrAY TO THE WORD OF COD ; arid