Baxter - BX5202 B291 1679

[ t' 64] are in theHebrew Text, and our newTranflation and divers tranflated in a quite different fenfe: the former following the Septuagint. f· The Rubrick for Chriftmas day is [Then jhaU follow the Colle[t of the Nativzty, which foatl .beJaid con– rinually u'nto New-Jears- · day.] And the ·Collect for all thefe feveral daies is [Almighty God:~ whtch haft given us thine only begotten Son to takf our N ature upon him, and THIS DAY to be born of a pure Virgin. So the Collett on .Whit- . fundal is [Godwhich upon this day, &c.] TheRu– bri~k is, [The fame Coll~Et to be rea_d Munday ~nd .TeefdalJ So o·nCbriftmas day, and feven da1es after. l Becaufe thou hqff given [efou ChriR· thine only Son to beborn AS on this daJ for us, &c.] And on Whitfunday, and fix daie.s after [According to who(e moft true promjfe 'the HolJ GhoH camedown this da; from Heaven·.} Thefe things, an.d f~ch other we muft approve in the forefaid Appro– hation of all things in the old Common-Pra;er-_ ll.oolz: V. We muft A1fent, Approve, and Confent to all ;the mif_traujlations _in..t.he prefont Liturgy, as well as to )tlftifie the old Edition : That before~ cited Pfal. 105 28 . . k ·in the preflnt Book._, and fo are rhe rdt of the omiffions and differences in rhe Pf.lms before mentioned, which are rna~ nv. Ditferent TranflJfions which have all the f;m~ fenfl, m·ay be all called God's Word, becaufe thr'r Jo.{e is fo: Bu.t where rhey have.drjjerent fenfu~ 'fo far one of the.m is contrary to :&od's Wor.d: For .God's·vVord i$ on.e and tr!4e, and not conrrary to_i.efelf. The' <.~utfiio·o is nor yvhether thefe faulty Tranflatioos yvere not ·agood work_, and a great mercy to ~he .Chur~h~ tiU w~had a better~